Installing the game on an SSD rather than a conventional hard disk will help performance too. It won't directly help your frame rate but will reduce (or remove) the stuttering that can occur as textures and other assets are loaded into memory. For example when you swing the camera around in a heavily populated area for the…
On the realm I play on in Wow, RP means something very specific in the Lions Pride Inn, Elwynn Forest. Seriously it's a hoot in there. Worth the sub by itself. Can I be your gnome slave btw?
This way they effectively get two release dates to hype up. The April 30th soft launch and then sometime in the future a 'proper' launch. It's a pretty smart marketing ploy IMO.
Can I have your stuff? -and- You'll be back. :) Seriously though, I hope you do find a new start in NW. I have tried many MMOs over the years too, some have been rubbish, some have been OK and some have even convinced me after a few days that yes, this is the game I will quit WoW for. Without fail though, I have always…
Hi komtec. I am not a founder and I have not played any of the betas so far. I have not bought a founders pack as I live in the UK and even the $60 pack works out to be around 55 pounds here. Almost double the price of a full priced game on Steam. I am planning on playing from the 30th though, and have even taken 1st May…