Yeah, I remember that. It was a fun quest. I play as a dps and tank too. Sometimes as dps I race ahead to win a paingiver contest that I involved myself to make dungeon more fun for me. BUUUUT If i die because I went alone, I know its my fault and I will never blame the healer, ever if he purposely chose not to heal me. I…
UNENJOYABLE, yeah, I agree. And it was supposed to be one of the reasons for the change: making it more enjoyable. In the not many tests of healing with my paladin that i have done (allways with my guild, i wont heal anyone else right now) it was boooooring. I dont need anymore to stay in melee because critical touch now…
I dont think you will change mark many times to heal another person if you have only one tank. The problem is that the mark is lost many times and you have to re-mark the tank, and you dont even realise because you cant even see the mark normally. My problem with targeting is not that I hit the tab wrong or several times,…
If you want all the time on the tank it doesnt matter much how mark is put on a char... as long as its not lost every minute like now. If you have the mark on the tank and is lost for whatever reason I think it would be easier to put it back with the rotation in party than trying to target the tank in the middle of a…
Yeah, i need to searh for an instance with low population and solo the boss or group. I have a tank capable of doing much damage, but for other people this has to be a pain in the a.
Yeah, I can tell you what is broken. The targeting system. Thats why even a free full heal would be useless in many moments because you cant simply target the person you want to heal.
That reasoning saying: "ToMM and Zariel can be done with one healer, so healing is overpowered" is ridicolous. If I organize a run with only 4 DPSs for ToMM and we beat it, are you saying ALL DPSs are overpowered and they should be nerfed into oblivion as healers just got?
Just as you said. Healing spells now are very reduced from before, so the healing that before took 2 seconds, now takes 10. That means people will stay with low hp, and so in danger of dying, for much longer. In the other hand when you are hit hard and drop to 20% HP, you can take a potion. By the moment the healer would…
I have been playing healers from many years ago. I have several end game healers. I understand what they are trying to do: make healing more challenging so its more fun. BUT The hit is very very big. I am just not motivated to train myself in the new meta when I know that in the end im being much worse than i was before. I…
WOW, thats nerf after nerf after nerf on healing. I dont know if devs have thought on this: after these enormous nerfs many many people will fail in dungeons the did easily before and they will blame the healers. Yeah, top 1% will find a way probably, running without healers or something. But rest of the people who do…
Well, it seems that this issue will be adressed in todays patch: If I understand correctly if two chars damage an enemy they will both get 50% of getting credit, no matter how much damage each one did to the enemy. This will make people just spam area attacks to try to maximize chances but it clearly will level the chances…
wow. Not everybody have dps paragon developed enough for compiting with 10 other people in DPS. Many people have healers only for the healer paragon because they have another better DPS. And paladins don´t have a dps paragon. Many many people is saying that they are strugling with this. They are saying here in the forum,…
You can´t count on the DPSs to stop stealing kills. Most of them porbably aren´t aware that they are making it impossible for you to progress, they are just minding their own business. Unless you manage to get into a low populated instance at a low connection hour or you mount a raid with your guild to let the supports…
Just give the rewards to everybody on encounter completion based on level of success or for attacking like in undermontain, not for KILLING each enemy.
There are almost allways catastrofic bugs on the launch of new content, and you seem allways surprised like its the first time it happens. I think that based on previous evidence, you can count on some big bugs on day 0 after new content release. Not asigning some personal to deal with it seems a big lack of foresight. If…
I also change encounters during combat all the time with my dc. I use the right-click-> chose new power method. Would be great to have some keybind for it.
Yeah they made something with the class balance some weeks ago with the new damage formula to get all the classes use the same formula (good start) and the warlock buffs (clearly necessary)... But no news of more adjustements since then. Some classes are still far ahead from the rest, DC is also lacking ST damage while…
You will certainly need to do 14 successes in 21 days during each of 5 different events to get that yummy mount. I dont see any problem here, we are talking about what... a year minimum?
Having 2 roles in one class is better than having 2 DPS paragons? Well, it´s better if you want to complete parties easier. But if you only want to be the best DPS having 2 DPS paragons is oviously better as you have more options. The devs have said that they consider that all DPS paragons should be on par. I agree with…
I think I will introduce another variant to this problem. I think that RLQ should be for people leveling. It should not be worth entering RLQ with a lvl 80 25K IL character. With a character of that level all the instances in RLQ are ridicously easy and I find very ilogical that those players are entering RLQ. I think it…
ok, a happy coincidence. Yeah, its like the one saying before that if he enters in ToMM with 6 wizards in the party is just a happy coincidence because all his friends are wizards.