Bug or glitch don't know, but, support sent me here... can't access Jubilee Trader here are a couple screen shots, https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/be95f420-4be2-4861-b856-afb7a4a482b8?gamertag=PatriotSaint64&scid=8dd60100-6cc0-42f2-bb3e-c47b184a79f5 and…
Is anyone monitoring this? I have a problem with the Jubilee Trader at my Stronghold, filed it with support, Ticket Reference # 161106-000941 and they sent me here. how do I move forward to getting this resolved?
I have a bug at my Stronghold where the Jubilee Trader sign post is not sparkling and you have no interaction options. After 4 mails to support they sent me here, who do I contact about getting it fixed?