+1 seriously! if i want to find a rare weap for my gwf i have to type in sword or greatsword or else i get 400 lvl 18 clubs of ogrkind. also I put a dragon egg on the ah for a hefty amount cause there werent any and i discovered i couldnt even find the one i put on.
i agree instanced loot would be better but working within the confines of whats simple for them to fix greying out the need seems the easiest and most logical to ensure a happy gaming community
imo ninja free community > companion gear looting and character looting > companion looting. random chance is fine in a perfect world (pun intended) but we play with HAMSTER who will need on everything and make the game much less enjoyable. not being able to need roll on your companion's gear is a necessary sacrifice imo.
imo ninja free community > companion gear looting and character looting > companion looting. random chance is fine in a perfect world (pun intended) but we play with HAMSTER who will need on everything and make the game much less enjoyable. not being able to need roll on your companion's gear is a necessary sacrifice imo.
how about a concession. need for class specific gets priority 1 and a need for companion button (only for currently summoned companion) that is greyed out if you dont have that class of companion and it gets priority 2 then greed is priority 3 and pass is 4. i think thats fair if i made sense edit: also i think companion…
only issue with this is ninjas who ask for group lead or start with it in a lfg pug can mess with the setting and if you quit you are back in the q. this happened a lot in tera. group leader would change loot settings while boss was at like 1% and before anyone noticed they were gone with ALL the loot.