Well, I had this whole long post but I don't think I've expressed myself very well. So I deleted all that and I'll just say this. Different people have some common ground but also have things unique to them. I consider other peoples' opinions and motives and emotions important enough to a.) ask about them and b.) try to…
Maybe this is tad off topic but in between the questions and need-to-know info about the patch, there's arguing and complaining. I can understand saying, "There is a problem with this" as in (just to name an example) "The plot of a dungeon makes the most sense after you do all of the quests in the relevant zone and yet I…
Okay, so you have to be IN a guild, but you don't have to go AS a guild then? Am I reading this all correctly? I'm in a guild with the hubby and some people who also were our guild in other games but we haven't really done... anything... as a guild yet. I doubt we'd have enough people to do it with just us anyway. I do…
I agree. I read a lot of complaints about stuff in the game but my opinion is that I like the game and since it's free, they must get their funding from somewhere. I don't have the money to do more than by a thousand or so zen every now and again, so it's obvious I'm not as important in keeping this game alive. So I do…
Well, I shall go to bed with the sweet and possibly unrealistic hope that I can play in the morning when I wake up. Or, failing that, it's at least up by the time the hubby gets home from work. HE has little enough time to play as it is. Good luck to the people fixing this! And thank you to, well, all of you. Reading these…
If they let us keep character levels but wipe other stuff, will we still have the resources and gear to do content for our levels? Or will we have to take our characters to places we've already done just to earn gear good enough to do the stuff we should be doing? And if we have to go back to those places for that reason,…
It is comforting, actually, to know that they have past actions like that. It makes me have a bit more hope towards a good solution, one way or another. I'll leave it up to the people who actually know what they're doing!
The weekend is really when I get to spend time with my husband and so we play this together. We just killed the final boss in the dungeon that's in Blackdagger Ruins. We tried to do it yesterday but my heals kept aggro the boss and we were the absolute lowest level. We spent yesterday leveling up to 24 or 25 and we beat…