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ohsvetlana Arc User



  • Tested Purifying Fire working with Knights Valor, apparently there is some interaction with Either PF or AoC where it will insta kill players in PvP
  • A few of us in Grievance sat down and did the math of what it would take to get One character with 1 Weapon enchant and 1 Armor enchant..to BiS... (Disclaimer: Some of these people have 4 or 5 trancendants sitting in their bags ) The numbers would make you laugh out loud... Spending money, fully legit, no 3rd party, to get…
  • How about if exploiters were banned, that would fix alot of PvP problems, IJS
  • There is some argument to IL.... as in, if you come into PvP with green and blue gear with no enchants or rank 3's and 4's and 1 blue artifact, your obviously just there to ruin everyone elses experience for the benefit of your own AD.... this is an issue that needs addressed as well. I mean truthfully the list of things…
  • this...../10char.... Hopefully, this is getting addressed soon.
  • While I respect the effort in coming up with the Tenacity idea..... All someone would have to do is spend 1k AD to get Tenacity gear from the AH just to troll this... There has to be a better solution. ( and yes, if there is good items to be had, someone will definitely find a way to bot it )
  • Make this so when you enter and zone in everyone has the same gear and basic enchants.. or is enchantless... to even the playing field ..and may the best man win. If This happens, then I am ALL for this.
  • 1. It is. Deal with it. 2. There are. Deal with it. 3. They run this game on rented servers in a rented office on rented computers. Enough said. Proof ? Watch their streams compared to an actual gaming company's streams. 4. It's not. But i do enjoy the new difficulty. 5. Some do, and got it through nefarious means, and…
  • Final Fantasy 14 has this very thing. Makes communication with the Asians & French WORLDS easier.
  • I never bought an Emblem. Back then Emblem was 9 Mill..... You forget, I play Legit. I couldn't exploit my way to an Emblem.
  • can't tell if trolling...
  • Indeed. this is why a majority of us have stopped PvPing... But you used to run with these same exploiters Vira, so w/e At least you can see now how the normal players who play legit, felt when going against you and your former buddies.
  • You have dedicated Honest legit players in this community. You should take a handful of them and Say " your our test team .... take a look at this before we put it on preview or release it " Cause honestly, everything your releasing, they are exploiting. It's getting to become " Good ol PWE " behavior.