ive been in your shoes before my friend. I think ive overly paid them with my money. if u check my old psots i always defended developprs. i was one of the most positive and hopeful person in these forums but fuuucks ups after fuucks ups. enough si enough, this game makes you negative over time regards
no, honestly. if anyone knows me from before the forum migration. I was the biggest developper defender ever. now? not so mych. they completley ruined this awesome game, i no longer feel the fun and the joy to support them with my money, they scrwed eveyrthign up regards
1) perma-freeze doesnt exit nub. u still stuck in module 4? 2) storm spell was nerfed. stop cry 3) without shield cw is worse than warlock 4) wdf is that? 5) yeah and leave TR's and DC's with the further roll and dash AND 4 dodges? STOP CRYING AND LEARN TO PLAY N4P regards
are u serious when u say this? ur seriously an idiot and your blind defending of your class is off the charts. im a control wizards. and guardian fighter HURTS ME WAY MORE THAN A HAMSTER GWF. STOP SPEWING NONSENSE IDIOT NUB regards
my point? u are a nab. its the ENCHANTMENT THAT IS TANKY. not the class. gwf is squishy as hell. grab one of these BiS GWF's that u worship and strip negation off of them. they will drop like flies regards
did you just call a GWF a tank. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i just needed to laugh at that ON TOPIC: How to balance GF 101 1) Dial back Into the Fray to module 2 status 2) Dial back to the OLD BLOCK where it REQUIRED SKILL TO UES 3) no more 50% damage resistance on lunging strike and bull charge 4) bullcharge cooldown increased to 15…
sicarius ur seriously a pieec of sht. even ur old guildmates (before you made absolute) dislike you, and talk sht about you. not only ur a garbage TR (i can name 10 TR's that are better than you right off my head) but ur a lying sack of horse sht too. **** you jew regards
no fkning kidding. i was about to quit a few days ago. this tournament lured me again. and now im on the verge agian this ****ing game i swear, more stress than irl career regards
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVR1hMVb-Z4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUiU2YoReFg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeYhuMXJL7k ^ someone from PMVSPM did this not long ago in module 5 regards
hi 1) brutal for offense, silvery for defense 2) still vorpal and soulforged are kings 3) no but the devs kick you instead (if u know what i mean). 4) recovery and defense 5) bloodcrystal raven skull or waters regards
ur on a new level of mental r3ratdation. in no way in his post he said HR's had 9 encounters, you either quoted the wrong person or you're beyond moronic. you seriously need psychiatric help. seek it. regards
gwf can beat any class right now with the possible xception of tr because of undodgeabl;e shcoking executon gwf is almost back to module 2 status right now (almost, not completely, but very close) regards
yeah the usual itc excuse wk is just as tanky with advantegous position feat + advantes positon offhand bonus + scoundrel feats + nagtation u have no excuse, tr isnt's "squishy" regards