I hear you friend. I too am done with this game. I am on day 17 waiting to hear what happened to all of my Auctions after a patch. (I spent $25 on a Zen card, on a drunken whim at 7-11 one night, and bought ALL keys with it... put eveything up on the AH, went to bed, patch hit, woke up to no items on the AH, and no mail.…
I am sorry friend but you are wrong. The BBB will do 2 things for you. a) They will document all of the complaints. b) If there are enough complaints they will help to organize and execute an audit and if the company is found guilty a law suit. I know this because of the Class Action lawsuit I was involved with. (We did…
I know what you are saying as far as tickets go.. I bought 20x Nightmare keys, Opened 20x Boxes. Listed about 500k+ AD worth of items on the AH. Game patched.. All Auctions are gone, No mail. I lost $25 to PWE. It was a struggle to spend money on this game in the first place. But I felt like I couldn't do a full review of…
Yup.. not even a hint of a mechanic.. I mean really .. at this point I would be happy with a "Don't hit the boss for 10 seconds" or simple Wow'esq "run away" mechanic.. but nope.. swing sword > rinse > repeat.
Okay .. so sounds like maybe you guys are missing a step here.. When you buy Zen from PW.. (because they have a TON of games that use it).. you HAVE to go to "Your account" and "Transfer" the Zen specifically to your Neverwinter account. I had the same problem.
I have noticed this as well. I accidentally lost 173,000 from a purple enchant that i sold after BUYING a key from the shop.. The ****ty part is that they ALWAYS list the BLANK mail first.. AND you CAN'T scroll down more than 4 mails, and if you delete a blank mail that has an item attached to it 5 mail down .. they are…
"Open Beta" friend. No where near a finished product. The whole point is so that this DOESN'T happen on launch day. Also .. this is Cryptic we are talking about....
Absolutely nothing that you said there pertains to the fact that we where TOLD we have beta access only to find out at noon today .. there where limitations. If you actually read anything that people have been posting.. you will find that most of us are not upset that there is a process involved in testing a game.. we all…
yes please let me know what happens, I am going to keep my fingers crossed that this is a miscommunication between the marketing team and the dev team, and hopefully we can get a devs voice to come in and make sense of this whole thing. Honestly however.. my wallet wants to open up and throw money at this.. cause hey ..…
Doesn't change the fact that this information was only given to people with what they thought where golden tickets Today @ 12:35 PM Sorry Charlie, but you will only be allowed into the factory after Veruca is finished as her mother has money, and you do not. The golden ticket that you found was actually just for show.…
Yes, it would unfortunately appear that the word 'beta' is used incredibly loosely at perfect world as well as PC Gamer. I hope you like the subscription you obtained for the magazine however... I wonder how much money Perfect World gets for every sub to the magazine?.. I also wonder why this is in fact NOT considered…
^^ This.. Also to be fair.. I take what I said about The Secret World back a little bit... I too paid the $200 and there was a time when the style/lore/arp's where amazing.. but the game itself.. (lets be honest) isn't very well put together.. I just mean the gameplay in general.. so your mostly right.. it comes down to…
I have a beta key and It says I am registered for Beta. but when I go to download the game both of my options are greyed out and I can't download. It's Mid day on the 7th is there no pre load? Do I have to wait until midnight? So .. turns out my Beta key falls under the category of "other" However .. it took me 2 hours to…