I've only looked at this one thread (no computer at work), so thank you for sharing. It helps make my point, the number of upset people you see on a particular thread is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how many people are actually unhappy about this.
True enough, but if something like this had happened with a box price, and they didn't do something to make amends, would the game have done well enough to even get to module 4?
I see nineteen pages of (mostly) upset players here. But just because people aren't posting here about any problems they have about this doesn't mean they don't know or don't care about it. This thread is for calm, critical discussion about the problem. Most people aren't going to rage on the threads rather than calling…
Also, lets say we ignore all this legal stuff. Even if we did that and PWE has the ability to randomly change prices on their customers, does that mean they -should-? Even errors made in innocence are still errors. It seems to me that the number of angry people here is a pretty good indication that decisions were made…
Well, they kinda did. Yes, it's 7500 zen to get the pack, which equates to $75. But, you don't actually -pay- $75 to get that much zen, with bonuses and the like. It's like....all the players that use zen are getting free coupons to use.