Guild Hall 7 construction finished last night and Guild Hall 8 construction was begun. GH8 will complete at about 11:55 PM EDT on Sunday. At that time, we will immediately construct Marketplace 4.
Construction of guild hall 6 is complete. We immediately constructed Marketplace 3 and Farm 3 when it was finished. All we need now is a little stone to build Lumberyard 3. As the Helm of our alliance, we are building a direct path towards Marketplace 4 and have the assistance of our allied guilds to achieve this as…
The game frequently crashes when I am viewing my guild's roster. With today's update, and the relocation of keys in my inventory, I am no longer able to deposit keys into the guild bank. I can trade keys, but I have to give them the entire stack because while I can split the stack in inventory, no free inventory spaces are…
We completed construction on GH5 yesterday afternoon and will soon build our first Boon structure. We are always recruiting active players and we are currently look for active level 3-4 guilds to fill Sword positions in our Alliance.
Second for the chat window problem: Pressing the right stick (R3) causes the arrow to change directions, but the window no longer expands. I also have the mount quest.
Since the update, my interface sounds don't work such as when I change tabs in a window, or when I change bags in my inventory. I also have the permanent special quest for acquiring a mount.