LOL this happened to me just the other day in mad dragon. we tried to run it with just a few players then the rest of the 5 man team that had been queued saw no party and left came back in because they were "stuck" with the instance. One of them had messaged me to see if we were still in the dungeon because there was no…
check out the "Profession Asset Upgrade Tasks" looks like it is the fact that you are trying to upgrade and that consumes more then the 4 even the ones in use.
Love the amount of updated content. it will be very interesting to run dungeons now with the chest pickups being bound and now that "When returning to an instance, the player is now placed at his or her previous location." excited to try them all again. now that the team will have to do runs to the next campfire...
Still leaves me one main question... What about the twilight horse that you can get for trade bars will it go away? I have wanted one for a long time and been working up to getting one... basically can i still save of in order to get one do I have to sell everything i have to get one NOW... ???
if you can start one of the tasks then cancel it. then somehow poof all options are back. not sure what causes it as i have had it happen in game as well as through gateway
Add me to the list. I have also been unable to post anything in AH through gateway since patch. Works fine in game. but Gateway no matter the browser or computer same message "Unable to post your items for sale. Items placed back into your inventory"
I have had this issue since patch. After selecting Char the game loads and shows the landing page then crashes. I can be in different maps or even try different chars same thing. BUT..... if when at the char selection screen I wait until it shows my char and then select my char it loads just fine every time. I only seem to…
Not Fixed I just got stuck this morning. at LVL 8/9 at least by reading this I now know not to wast my time tying the experiments to bump me to the next LVL.