If things were bind on pick up, you couldn't sell them on the AH and then people wouldn't buy Zen to exchange for diamonds to buy the loots. Best you can hope for is only need on stuff you can use but then people will be on here moaning about dou che bags needing on gear when they are already wearing the item or have one…
How ironic someone who has been silenced for spamming is not interested in joining one of the many other threads on the subject but insists on starting thier own. Each to thier own, I haven't been muted and doubt I am on peoples ingore list but then I dont spam and am not an HAMSTER in zone chat ( just on the forums :P ).…
Thanks for all your hard work Deistik, has really helped me a lot as I came into the game knowing nothing about it and always play a healer. Good job I checked the thread again as I have been working towards an old build as I level but I guess that is what a respec is for :)
This is what I did but it went as you said and wasn't very good. I have an altar which if the player's chose the option to smash I want them to be damaged
is it possible to inflic damage from a wrong choice? I am fairy new to the foundry, I tried to make a trap spawn on the wrong answer, which worked but didn't really give the effect i was after