Interesting, it appears that the queues aren't reflecting being reset either. Out of curiosity I left queue for Mindflayer, and immediately checked it from the log in screen. I had been moved to 12k, but only 6k people were supposedly in the queue. Well, looks like it might be time to take a shower.
What. The. Hell. Well, at least other people are experiencing it. I was patiently waiting, when my queue went suddenly from 4.8k to 12.1k for no apparent reason.
Seeing as I have time, and am bored, I'm going to address it briefly. Lets look forward to the future, when this game is considered, 'done', and they switch from calling it open beta to gold. What will happen? Nothing. The activities that define a launch are already happening. Characters are already being kept, everyone is…
Are you stuck, or just moving absurdly slow? I seem to still be downloading, however the speed is revolting. It's actually down so low that I may be below 56K.
Well, if you'd care to take the time to write up which skills did or didn't work since the change, I for one would certainly appreciate it. Having a general idea of what's functional would be a step up.
Unfortunately, I suspect only the closed testers have this information currently (particularly given the fundamental changes shortly before launch), and I haven't seen any take the time to post it. I'd actually love some concrete information on what works and what doesn't in play myself, but regrettably it's completely…
Is anyone having difficulty with a huge patch? It wanted me to download 2.6GBs, which I didn't mind so much as I figured it would be over quickly. However, this started right when they fixed the Launcher, and now the speed has dropped down to less than 100 KB/s with only 89% finished.
So... Situation Normal: All ****ed Up? Truth to be told, while modern MMOs have gotten better at it, to have a truly horrible launch it'd need to last a few days. You've got time.
Getting low on chances here it looks like. Well, might as well give it another shot. Although before I list these, I'd suggest posting up a list of people who won in these contests. I'd love to see who got this stuff. Highdale Shadowdale Mistledale Scardale Archendale Daggerdale
"Does the majesty of your surroundings every make you feel insignificant? Unimportant? Ignored? Perhaps as though we're all merely props to show it off?""
Examine. Seeing as this isn't a test precisely, I'll use the time to consider a proper path for leveling at launch. Albeit, given the staggered launch system I suppose that's pointless. I might attempt to reach cap during the weekend if it's truly a quick leveling system.