my post was a wish that the game is flexible enough to allow us to do things that we want to do not that the ruleset dictates us to do.. regardless of the inadvisability of it.. Can you imagine the skill checks, and reduction to my attack rolls for my mad halfling rogue? yet it was allowed :) oh and a critical failure of…
one world... means one place to spot gold sellers and to remove them.. sounds good to me.. pity it doesnt work on raiderz.. :( Lets hope there is a tad more protection for NWO..
Odd discussion, everyone sticking to their idea of the definition of the ranger class, role or definition... Lets face it, ranger describes a wanderer, by definition, It is often applied to armed forces involved in patrolling regions. Applied to a class, we can encompass the hunter, skirmisher,scout, tracker, survivalist…
thanks gents, I was hoping for more that can compliment a colour scheme on my laptop colour schemes.. Blue seems to work really well :) Thanks for all your input.. I am working with a few to try and make something pretty epic..
I TPK'd a Party that refused to annoint their weapons in half a dozen pools of holy water (with signs gradually increasing in size) then when i got sick of creating another room with a pool in it.. I dropped a vampire on them.. how they panicked to get back to the pools then.. mwahahah..
I extended the sentence somewhat after that.. Stating I cant see the benefit of an open beta for anything but stress test.. I speak of an open Beta, which is the short period before release which allows final tweaks and the ability to reset characters (within reason) to which the general public can register and play. If…
1. Land of hypothetical: Cryptic can make only three more classes this year, and one more race, please name your favorites! a. Shaman, Druid, Warlock b. half orc 2. Didnt buy the mag, 3. D&D got me into MMO's, I went from tabletop, to NWN, to online tabletops to MMO's.. WOW, RIFT, STO, LOTRO, DCUO plus many others free and…
Having been part of alpha and beta testing of some recent AAA mmo's it is true that the open beta is generally a marketting ploy in which the servers are stress tested.. however with the plan for only 1 server I cant see what the benefit of not going full release as soon as they can handle it. That is to say if the game is…