Im 70 along time and have over 2k item lvl. Have the armored worg that give me 1000 crit and 1000 arm pen. And have a black dragon ioun stone with bondings
I found my build on a you tube movie from 2016. Didnt copy everything. But i do fine solo with a ioun compagnion. Anyone know how its going on with the bonding runestones? I read somewhere that its going to be fixed or something? Im a better of with a mercenary than a ioun? Using black dragon ioun with 3 bondings. Just for…
Thank you for the clarification. So my armor penetration need to get up. I thought as as rogue i prioritize power and crit. Also have the armored worg mount that give plus 1000 arm pen. Hmm.
Hello, any information is welcome. im using first strike and skillfull infiltrator. I tried oppressive darkness instead of first strike but dont see the combat advantage. What are good passives. Some using invinsible and skilllfull infiltrator. A few people using first strike. It do decent damage. I dont know whats best to…
null Im always first or second in skirmisch. Or a rogue of higher item lvl outdps me or a gsw. So its decent. But ... im using black dragon ioun stone. Which dungeon works then?