I'd be ok with getting rid of the leadership grind if they drastically scaled down the cost of everything in the game. But when an upgrade costs 2-5 GMOPS and a Cole ward and RP, for a single enchant or artifact upgrade, progress is glacial. Lets do some math. Maybe you can earn 48k a day playing on multiple chars. And a…
The "rewards" no where near compensate for what you are taking away. You designed the whole economy around leadership armies. Rank 7+ and Legendary items are insanely expensive. AND they are required to do dungeons and pvp. Hell even the lvl 70+ campaigns. At the very least you could replace all the AD in leadership with…
Exactly, this does nothing for end game content. And Spinward might be harder for people. If its takes 50% longer to kill mobs and they they hit you an extra time, that like %50 MORE damage (75%+75%) not 25% less. Glad I have most boons, no interesting in grinding another alt through this.
Same here. I'm completing my IWD boons while actually gaining a modest amount of RP. My 2 mains might actually get all purples. Legendary is still crazy hard to get. And I free'd up some util slots for Movement/XP/Glory. I worry they will nerf IWD and then what will we have? Weekly DR / Shan for 5k rp?
Darks for movement speed and Azure for XP gain for overlevel skill points and rewards. Pvp you could get glory gain. I keep 2 or 3 on just because but I might sell them. Easier to just run HEs or Heralds for RP.
Great news indeed. There are sustainable ways to get RP now (leadership and Dragon Heralds too). Should have released this before the dragon hoard enchant nerf. My alts might get purple's now woo.
Exactly. Dragon Heralds drop RP, IWD drops RP, Leadership drops RP bags. They made it way easier to get, aside from the dragon hoard nerf, but I could use some move speed or bonus XP for power points.
Careful. They will introduce an "upgrade" for 2+ mil but it will be bugged and your mount will lose 10% speed instead. 2 months later when they patch it, it will be fast but will only equip for 10 seconds then disappear. After that is fixed it will have a 1 hr cool down. Eventually you'll just have to swipe your CC through…
From herald runs: Hits so hard it exceeds the size of the variable. Thats progammer for the object that holds the number. When you exceed the size it can hold it rolls over from the max size to the min size. Common error. 2.147B to -2.147B
Here's another from 10mins ago. I had yet another example from an hour ago but lost the print screen, that guy was a little weaker and only manage 2bil damage so the variable didn't roll over. You can see this every hour...
Thats nothing, check this out. Hit so hard it exceed the size of the variable. Thats progammer for the object that holds the number. When you exceed the size it can hold it rolls over from the max size to the min size. Common error. 2.147B to -2.147B
$50 and I won't be putting more money into the game with so many bugs. I don't pay to beta test or early access. Mod 6 changes aside they could have fixed the issues pointed out on Preview before go live. A full month with broken powers, companions, enchants, ect is unacceptable.