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  • CW does have to choose between dps and Control. So now you want to Nerf my control? I'm specced Oppressor. 15.3k gs and Specced fully into control with companions and artifacts. Some of my skills don't even work because the control stat is so high. Arcane singularity for one has become a repel spell x.x At any rate what…
  • you sir, are pure chaotic evil o.o
  • No one cares about the whales.... Come on people. You need an incentive to pay for the game... and being smashed by someone thats wearing a thousand dollars worth of stuff is incentive for you to pay for the game. isn't it? Or being kicked out of groups by people who got 19k gear score. You gotta pay to be better. Pay with…
  • I just took 3 10mg Ambien. Screw playing neverwinter, when for the next 6 hours I can LIVE neverwinter. <.< Teach the universe to try to pull this bordum thing on me <.<
  • Neverwinter 7 hours ago · Edited Maintenance has begun. Estimated downtime is 2 hrs. For more information, including full patch notes please visit: http://bit.ly/1vSU62c Update 1 (8:10 AM PDT) Maintenance is ongoing, shouldn't be too much longer, we'll have another update for everyone soon. Neverwinter 6 hours ago…
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3G9ZidHXrM pretty much what occured in my brain when I read this...
  • CW does have these changes guys. I'm specced Oppressor. 15.3k gs and Specced fully into control with companions and artifacts. Some of my skills don't even work because the control stat is so high. Arcane singularity for one has become a repel spell x.x At any rate what I'm saying is my Dps isn't very competitive. a 10k gs…
  • Nerfing Assailing force in pvp for half damage when it was unresistable was warrented. But now you guys tack on making it deflectable and resistable? Atleast up it back to full damage then... because that is the entirity of everything holding the dot dps CW together. Remove that and the Dot PVE spec will be just that...…
  • Arcane Singularity Broken (Oppressor) Arcane Singularity bugs out, gathers the mobs and SLing shots them ALL over the map making it unusable in dungeons. I specced Oppressor believing I would take cryptics push towards control and buy the control pets and respec myself and reroll myself for max control. However; It comes…
  • well regaurdless it makes my companions I bought with zen and upgraded useless to put in active slots and this needs to be addressed asap. I'mma be pretty Ticked off about this if I just blew 60 bucks on something I can't use because it will destroy my characters ability to CC. x.x
  • 3 Reasons. 1. AD is free. 2. if you are Max level you can "over-level" to get a max of 20 extra points to put wherever you please... 3. They have something that resets it for 300 zen. Respec token. Cryptic Has apparently learned they can make quite a bit of money if they Change up what skills do, mess with the powers, and…
  • been noticing them for days on end at this point. figured they where client side. but since ur experiencing them aswell, apparently not :P
  • Do you know the magic number that arcane singularity breaks at?
  • Well if your used to playing super dps, continue to do it.Cuz thats what ur good at and from a enjoyment point of view... plus there is currently NO reward system for control. In loot tables , there are rewards for top healer, top damage taker, and Top dps'ers. So if you want drops, you gotta dps. Most people don't know…
  • I already covered in a previous post why it was so important to get a full respec... as have others. We literally had to pay 5 bucks to repsec. which is complete BS. At anyrate... You don't have to do Random guesses to see a Given spec's powers or whatever. There's this thing called a "preview" server. On that server you…
  • I was using Fanning the flame (increased its cooldown to near uselessness at 22 seconds) , Icy terrain, icy conduit, and Shard of endless avalach. I had no reason to put any points into Steal time.
  • My class (cw) has been completely revamped, my stat allocations and powers + Spec is all wrong. As such, My character will be severly handicapped when it comes to dps, and control. Please reconsider the lack of a Respec token. in the past 2 months I've given you guys 130 dollars, Had my bought keys turn BOP, character…
  • GUYS....SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!! Sorry, but sheezus.... You guys are complaining that we can actually dps now? Rewind 20 pages and we're completly Not viable. I get that you guys are asking for Fine tuning, slight changes... I get that.... HOWEVER; LOOK AT WHO YOU ARE ASKING THIS FROM!!!! The Devs Are Children with…
  • Why are u Trolling my post Lazaroth666? I wanted to know legit information, knowledgable conjecture, and maybe even a moderator to Clear up some misconceptions I had or a picture or video explaining stuff. Your "leet" stats, and Epicness have nothing to do with my post.
  • OMG now it makes sense... The Dungeon chests arn't bugged ...they're a FEATURE!!!!! =O
  • I've played around on preview server for about 8 hours so far. Spec: Oppresor/Therma FEEDBACK: With 12k gs I find oppresor build VERY difficult to kill with, and if fighting ANY immunes, very hard to survive with as a result. The damage is just so low that a battle with shock troop devils is a EPIC under taking. atleast…
  • Because Gearscore is what people judge you by, form groups by, and Effectivly kick you out of groups by. I just feel I shouldn't be penalized by an inaccurate ingame GearScore calculator. You know you get Gear score for Artifacts with +control with points like sphere of black ice, valindras shard, and Black ice beholder.…
  • DO NOT BE THIS GUY... Nothing is worse then expecting a tank, and half way threw the dungeon u realize this is REALLY hard and u check ur tanks gear...and he's wearing greens. Yes... Skill and a headset make up for ALOT of the challenges out there. but showing up to a t1 t2 dungeon even if u can pass the gs check in greens…
    in Endgame Comment by nativejoe July 2014
  • EVERY mmo I've ever played had felt this way. Wow...after 3 months of leveling you hit max level. Now you got to get in a decent guild, get into 5 mans first, then 10 mans, then 20 mans, then 40 mans. after you get geared up enough , enjoy your gear for 3-4 months, get your professions up and get those rare crafting…
    in Endgame Comment by nativejoe July 2014
  • DONT SAY THAT... when u say change...they NERF... they'll make it do ZERO damage next ! o.o Anyway is there ANYWAY to make the targeting reticule or whatever more responsive? If im supposed to CC it would really be nice to be able to do that. To be able to switch targets immiedietly and CC one guy, then immiedietly go back…
  • I played around with different builds for 3 hours today Damage wise, we're supposed to be angled towards Control over damage. which I get. However.... Assailent force (which is probably the only thing actually doing dps) and is probably only doing as much damage as it is... because of bugs. Ice conduit is now completly…
  • :mad: And You've been NERFED :mad: *TM* Cryptic Studios :p Anyway , I hope it does balance the AD market a bit. I'm all for balancing that market and making it feasable to actually get zen from your AD. However; As of right now I believe this hurts. I think ingame loot from boxes is going to skyrocket in price, and trading…
  • After reading the changes I have to say this... You Can't "increase control abilities" and simultaneously increase their cool down lengths. Damage isn't so much of a concern if we're actually going to play our roles, However I believe we need some abilities reworked for Mass mob control if we're going to be able to play…