Not even sure why I'm bothering to comment but here goes...... I mean really the game is not popular anymore because has it ranked 3rd :rolleyes:
Ok, so how is taking this down helping at all because the people already have the diamonds and zen... I mean do you not understand that unless you ROLLBACK that your not fixing anything except the bug? Unless that is your plan and your just gonna fix the bug and let all the currency stay in the game... I really hope not…
Exactly but for some reason we have these people telling us that We suck as players that's why you can't keep aggro off the cleric.... This is D&D this is how it's suppose to work.... Some of these excuses are starting to get old I mean the game is NOT MEANT to play like this they wouldn't make the GF obsolete at least I…
Unless I'm mistaken I don't think he was actually arguing that we shouldn't drink potions he's arguing that he shouldn't have to fight off the hoard of adds at every boss encounter because of the borked aggro from healing in this game did I maybe get it wrong? And too tell people too bad for you because a game mechanic is…
But you seem to be missing the point..... The boss fights are repetitive there the exact same in every dungeon boss summons tons of adds that's the only strategy there is? I understand there suppose to have massive HP but that doesn't mean they all have to be scripted exactly the same with the stupid adds...... How is that…
What bother's me is that this had to of been brought up during the closed beta and this is still an issue now? I mean I know there still trying to use the OPEN BETA excuse but COME ON we all know the game is launched now and this is a huge issue you would think they would actually fix this in one of the 1000000…
Yep, unfortunately I quit the game because I played with my friend who was a tank and he couldn't stand the aggro he got sick of trying to run after me at every boss fight trying to pull the adds off me...... But it's f2p so if it ever gets fixed we will be back.......
No, you can't have my stuff because I already gave it to my guildies sorry....... Your comments are hilarious btw.... TY for the entertainment stuff such as your having the time of your life and leave the game to the big boys and enjoy my button mashing Wow..... (because here we don't just mash buttons either) *rollseyes*…
You Sir are in la la land......... If you really think this is not an issue..... Anyway, I'm not gonna argue with you I could care less if it changes at this point because I've already quit because of it so it doesn't bother me anymore....... I just don't see any need for a tank in this game the way it's setup at the…
First of all what end game content? The same dungeons over just in epic versions wohoooo how fun..... I mean I guess we should give you a /golfclap because you didn't purchase anything on the AH you earned it....... Your basically looking down on others for crying/whining as you put it but then your whole post starts…
Ty, this is another issue why does every boss in every dungeon have the same add mechanic couldn't they think of anything else besides have the boss summon adds at every 80/60/40/20% I mean it's gets old and tired after the first 5/6 dungeons.....
Oh so it's just fine for the cleric to have aggro the whole fight? So what is exactly the point then of the Guardian class why is it even in game if they can't get any aggro why play it? Everyone should just roll cleric so they can have aggro and tank is that what your trying to get at? The game already has a trinity it's…
Yep, already quit over the aggro issue... I was a DC and my friend was the Guard and we both left the game after we realized that this is how it is every dungeon no matter what he does he cannot take aggro from me.... I cast one spell and every add in the dungeon runs straight at me and he can do nothing but run around…
There top priority should be to fix aggro.... I mean what's the point of having a guardian class if the cleric is gonna tank the whole time anyway........ And as for people saying the tank sucks blah, blah, blah don't give me that there is another thread on here with 15 pages of people saying the same thing....... So…
While the outfits in this thread are nice the main problem is there just isn't enough of them everyone looks exactly the same except for different colors..... Because at the moment there is like only 3 or 4 different outfits you can actually acquire.... And I for one am not paying 30$ dollars for an outfit I'm gonna wear…