yeap, no transmutation for the bow for me either just got the items from the CTA and it doesn't show any item available to transmute to the grim blades worked just fine i just changed them. what. the. hell. :(
oh :( thing is i don't want to pay 51k ad x 4 to trans the set just so it gets fixed right after that also i like the way it was supposed to look more than anything else in the game atm which is why i invested the time to get it the stats aren't really that far from the grim set tbh but the looks...
what if we all flood them with tickets? i could put one up every day... maybe more people have this issue and if we all work together they will notice us...
some people got it right or at least they say so... grim set is ugly and i m sick of that sinister wolf mouth and all those thorns i want a nice looking set profound set costs a lot of glory and especially seals of triumph which are very hard to gather and its not worth it so far. stats are digits higher, +4 and +5 vs grim…
Well at least your items show, i just got a Profound archer hood and it looks exactly like the grim one even though in collections page it looks totally different...