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  • Windows 7, Keyboard set to English - UK: No dialogue showing. Set the keyboard to English - US and it fixed the problem.
  • Yes they should, most other games they stick around for a week or so. What about people who played last night and did not spend all their bones? What about people who can't play every day? The event was stated to run until the 20th, not x am PST on the 20th. According to my Calendar I logged back in while the event was…
  • Fairly sure its 24 hours if it was the auto ban from being reported by players.
  • Because you can start hiring a mercenary just before you log off and when you get back online the task will be completed (or near completion). Its pretty easy to get extra profession slots opened up. Much better than having to stand at a forge for 20 mins again and again and again.
  • Nope. Unless other things were changed people would still need on things simply to sell them to vendors.
  • If you mean the one with the Blue glow you can get it from the event vendor by gathering drops from the event mobs in the enclave.
  • I think the better solution would have been to change the top gear sets only to be BoP (or Bind on Account) and have all other gear BoE. So people could run T1s to farm gear for their characters or for AD, which would allow other players to grind AD to get T1 gear. T2 would need to be farmed for the 4 set pieces but the…
  • It never, ever translates well unless the game is being run live by an actual DM. Turn based games got a lot closer but even they lacked the freedom of tabletop. Neverwinter has done a credible job of adapting the feeling of DnD within the limitations of an MMO.
  • Wrong. The announcement that the game is on Open Beta covers them from such claims. They state up front that the game is incomplete and IF people want to spend money they do so with that understanding. The whiners really annoy me. PWE are being completely upfront about the state of the game, if players are too dumb to take…
  • This. My GF hit level 60 and I realised that I had accumulated about 80k AD (and 200 zen via the exchange), more than enough to get the Indomitable Warrior set and a decent weapon and shield from the AH. I run a Cleric companion so I don't spend much on potions and I have about 50 gold atm.
  • You really do not understand what is going on do you. The pre-clear has absolutely nothing to do with forcing "your players to LOG OUT of the game and then back in to get a reward as an intended mechanic." What is does is allow a players to loot an extra chest each time the dungeon delve event is running. Basically if it…
  • 2 extra char slots is 500z. You buy them in pairs.
  • Game is looking good then. When an Open Beta starts lots of players give the game a try, some of those will not like the game (even if its bug and exploit free) and stop playing. Keeping 50% is not bad. I have tried a lot of F2P games when they become available to the general public (i.e. start Open Beta or Launch) and…
  • What you bought is more like the entry gear that makes it easier to get the best gear. The system seems ok to me, you can run epic dungeons to get your character's gear or you can run epic dungeons and sell gear that is not for your character's class and then buy gear on the AH that is for your class. Either way you are…
  • They do, but at a much lower rate. I don't see many 1s or 2s drop for my level 60.
  • Mine have looked different. Similar because they are one handed swords of course but not identical, except for the rock on a stick I got from the troll boss in a dungeon.
  • World of Tanks wiped at the end of Open Beta. LoTRO wiped at the end of Open Beta. The difference is that games that accept payments do not wipe when they end open beta.
  • If you manually join a party and walk to the entrance and enter you can do the dungeon, when you out level a dungeon is just stops you entering using the queue. Yes you can skip it without any impact other than not seeing all the storyline and missing a couple of Lore entries.
  • And also, if you enter the dungeon before the delve event starts the box will not appear even though you are still in the dungeon when it does. The trigger event for the chest is the party entering the dungeon.
  • You basic mistake is equating "ignoring" with "not being able to fix instantly". Changing the priority of something does not mean it takes fewer man-hours to identify, fix and test. It just means it gets looked at before other things. Cryptic have acknowledged some of the issues you mention so they are definitely not…
  • Ardent coins do not expire. If you are unable to log in an average of 1 day a week it just means it will take you about an extra 2 months to get it.
  • Please point out the rule in each version of D&D that did not allow characters to fight other characters.
  • No, it says it will cost diamonds to unslot things. Removing them costs, replacing them by adding a new enchant costs nothing but you do lose the original. Training companions is free unless you pay to speed up their training to get it finished early.
  • I agree. Because there is no AH at the moment zen bought items can only be got with zen so people want to exchange AD for Zen. People who have Zen have no real need to exchange it for AD as a lot of the things that you can buy for AD at the moment are generally cheap enough to get from the daily grinds. These 2 factors…
  • Mentioning TOR is not going to support your point as it is improving and has been for a while. ESO has not had good reviews, it has had mixed ones. Unless it improves significantly I will not even bother trying it.
  • You obviously have not spent much time on game forums, every single game I have played has had times when 80% of posters were being negative, predictions of the game dying are pretty common as well. The views of forum posters are not representative of the playerbase. So what if viewer numbers are dropping on some live…
  • And your actual evidence for this is what? AD/Zen exchange is trending down towards last weeks levels (yes its running a bit higher but the demand for zen will be higher as items such as mounts can't be bought on the AH atm). We don't know how the AH will look when it reopens but until it does you have no evidence that the…
  • If you meant to write 500+ you are wrong. I just checked and its at 425/415. I bought some Zen earlier today at 419. I would expect it to be somewhat higher then Friday's values as no one can buy things via the AH atm, it has to be with Zen.
  • They have been banning the mule accounts as well so that AD is being removed from the game.