Never mind that, I am still screwed from the Priestess of Sune thing.. was hoping it was going to be a now-account-wide one, but alas, it's gone.. all that time in hoping and praying (pardon the pun) for nothing. Bah.
It was posted already that there is a group/person/skrpt kiddie that is "taking" responsibility for the attacks, so its not like its coming from a number of places at once but rather one script running derptard.
More than likely we'll get a "we're looking into it" line again like we did with the Priestess of Selune and other companions that are single-character over account-wide.. all about that moneh!
It would make sense but would not offer profit after all. (Eyes up the lockboxes and the sheer amount of blue stuff I got over the [too] many boxes I opened)
Like a previous poster, I had a bunch of bars saved up over the years and decided to buy enough Favors to get me a mount, and maybe work on upgrading it on one character or even just AH it and see what happens.. did the purchase, mentioned BoE on the tooltip before I bought it, then saw it bound to the character I bought…
Considering how quick the mobs move when not in their attack animation, slowing is useless when they can outpace your dodging only to start their attack animations by the time you can try to dodge again, granted you have the stamina to get your shot in. I do see your point, and I have seen slowing effects in other games…
Black arrow still decreasing the base severity for critical strikes for ranged. With this being fixed it might help a bit, but there is still some form of 1-60 balancing for the skills that is sorely needed.. as it is, HR blasts through the lower range, holds its own in the mid-levels and falls behind with the skills not…
Damage output aside, I am surprised that no one mentioned that the combat systems' heavy reliance on auto-target/hard locking on mobs puts the HR in more dangerous situations with the charge-up of something like the split shot or even using the plain old rapid fire jumping on different mobs if they are further away when…
That list would probably be a real key turner for me to start spending again lol.. I have 5 characters already (2 I capped within the first month the game came out and I spent a little more than I care to admit to set them both up lol) and with the upcoming Hunter Ranger, this system of high prices for something that is…
I see that this class relies heavily on mobility, which becomes moot when the mobs close in on you when they aren't in an attack animation that I spend more time trying to get away (especially since melee is rather underwhelming) and trying to set up some measure of counterattack than actually going on the offensive. I…
BUG: FEATS: BLACK ARROWS: I know this was mentioned already but is still alarmingly breaking the damage of the HR is that when taking the feat, it lowers the base Critical Severity while adding the feat % as an addition, basically doing nothing. If its a visual thing, it would still be good to be addressed since it threw…
GENERAL FEEDBACK: Overall I am digging the feel of the HR, however my only personal gripe would be the aiming system involved with archery.. loading up Split Shot, and with the way that mobs path to you in combat causes me sometimes to swing off to the side if the one mob I am locked on is charging my flank, leaving me…
When I started playing this game, I lowered my expectations, and enjoyed it for what it was; a simple hack-and-slasher, on the rails, which would entice those players who never did try an action combat based game before. And Foundry for those who knew of it's existence lol.. I went through the game at a modest pace, not…
Seems they corrected the main issue of Needing on non-class specific stuff (TR rolling on CW for example), but the pendulum kept going. I would rather see new Tiers become BtC and the previous top set become BoE, and rotate as new sets/tiers release. This would allow incentive for the new gear to be sought as well as…
Seems they corrected the main issue of Needing on non-class specific stuff (TR rolling on CW for example), but the pendulum kept going. I would rather see new Tiers become BtC and the previous top set become BoE, and rotate as new sets/tiers release. This would allow incentive for the new gear to be sought as well as…
I thought that might be part of the higher support packages.. top being able to fly me to you and buy me dinner. Then I will expand with action figures and maybe movie rights. Too soon?
Here's an idea.. lower the blood pressure and walk away.. or stick around, complain about the game or blindly defend the game, that seems to be the new trend. In fact, brb; I got a Kickstarter idea for the next greatest MMO ever! "Forum warriors Online"!
Graphics are bad, numbers are small, rabble rabble rabble lol Don't know this game, don't care either. But yeah, more varying mechanics would spice things up but people will complain about that too.
TL;DR: Can't sell gear for AD to trade for Zen and stay free. Ah well, the next latest and. "greatest" game will hold them for 2 weeks, boredom will set in and the cycle continues. Herein lies part of the current issue, all the while the publisher greed gets worse. Eventually, the whole MMO system will crash. But regarding…
To those who are crying doom, you can safely blame those who Needed everything in a run as "they needed the AD more than you needed the gear". Solution provided. Is it the most elegant solution? Doubtful. But right now, it is what it is. Edit: I think that keeping a class-specific lockout for Need would have been better in…
Here's a strange thought.. maybe people who are quitting are doing so because it was not what they expected it to be and rather walk away and stating they didn't like it, would rather bash the game down as if they could not be wrong about their initial opinion of the game. But yeah, I predict the same extreme posting…
I appreciate where you are coming from, trying to get balance between the classes as you clearly feel that the GWF should be higher in the damage chain of things than the 2 other major players (CW and TR). I will save the usual spiel of playing MMOs forever and whatnot, but I can claim a good grasp on what I am seeing with…
Well for what its worth, I did buy 2 cards today (30 and 20 denominations, should have went with 50 but with the way my day went, I will admit, I wasn't thinking clearly) and when I went to apply said cards, it did show prior to the addition the bonuses that should have been put in place with the point-to-zen purchase…