Did you communicate with said "morons" to try and coordinate and effective attack? Or were you relying on your powers of telepathy, which seem to me to be non-existant? Console players are not typically used to MMO style "outdoor raid bosses."
If you took anything I said as demeaning or hurtful please re-read. I spent a great number of years on PC games. Most of the pay to play MMO's. That past few years I have moved to console as the cost of constantly having to upgrade my gaming rig for the latest and greatest would far out strip the cost I have put into…
The thing you PC players need to understand is that the Xbox crowd will shower them with money if they perceive a value. $70 for a playable race or even just $25 is WAY over priced. Especially if you are viewing it from the lens of this is a F2P game. Xbox players are not longevity players on the whole. They tend to…
Having the gateway function available for the Xbox would be great. From what I have read the PC users are not able to use it currently, so there may be a long wait time. Although from what I saw last night the developers raked in a HUGE stash of cash from some poor Xbox nubs. They were opening those boxes at a feverish…
I played some domination last night. I have played Everquest, Everquest 2, Dark Age of Camelot, WoW, City of Heroes, Age of Conan etc etc etc... It seemed to me that it takes a REALLY long time to kill someone, even with multiple people targeting the same person. It was fun, I just don't know if it has a long lasting…