I submitted bug reports over the past month on this issue and they recently sent email replies to each stating this is a known issue. No communication on when it is going to be fixed.
I reported in game that my alts are not getting the boons from campaign. I do the campaign task for the boons, it eats my campaign currency and yet I don't receive the boon. I have done this on multiple characters and multiple times. It is broke. The response from the GM is for "ME" to do their work giving them screenshots…
The quest is available. You just have to progress further. This campaign is a bit of a mess. The rewards don't drop for alternate characters at all and the boons are not rewarded in many cases. You will find you can finish multiple boons once you get the 1st one if you have enough campaign currency especially doubloons.…
This is especially frustrating to those of us who foolishly bought the campaign pack. I had to choose to get no rewards so I could progress in the campaign since you require acceptance to move story quest line.
The quest "Swearing Fealty" is not able to be completed. After going through the prompts for the 1st mage and getting credit for 1 of 3 mages the next mages disappear after hitting "f" and do not allow you to get credit. I did log out for a long period of time and was able to get credit for a 2nd mage but have run out of…
So I purchased the Northdark Reaches Utility Pack in order to advance more quickly. However you have a bugged quest that becomes available at 300 Bregan D'aerthe Pins. I am unable to interact with Braelin Janquay and it appears someone from XBOX has posted the same issue. Its one thing to have bugs its another to ask for…
Nine out of my ten characters that have summer profession at 10 did not have the summer artisan show up again this year! I made sure to have a spot ready and waiting for her but that was not enough. Only my bard that has summer profession at 6 got a summer artisan to show up for work. This is starting to be a really bad…
Mirage weapons are still broke and been broke for quite some time (months). I wasn't aware you thought you fixed it. I can report that whatever you did finally enabled me to claim the dragon hunter companion on my other characters.
The patch notes don't list the dragon prison quest but does list the other 2 lair quests: The chests at the end of the following quests now grant Seals of the Adventurer along with other consumables: Draconic Alchemy Infernal Bindings
I still can't claim the Dragon Hunter on my other characters. The claim valuables is flashing and the promo tab is flashing but no dragon hunter to be found. First time in years no Zen purchase for my birthday as I just can't justify paying to be frustrated waiting for you to fix things. Angry Dwarf
Please share what the development team learned about why they released the lockbox with these issues and what they have done to correct it. Please show the community some accountability for these continued fowl ups (pun intended).
Once again new box and new problem. I was lucky enough to get dragon hunter and omen of despair in 1st 12 keys. However the dragon hunter companion - account is not reclaimable on my other characters. The omen of despair worked just fine. PROBLEM: Dragon Hunter - Account - Not actually reclaimable by other characters on…
The Dragon Hunter - Account is not reclaimable by other characters. My main has it equipped but it doesn't show up in "claim or promo" for other characters. Ticket submitted and posted in PC bug forum.
Here we go again an account wide mount or companion that is not claimable. I have the same issue with the Hunting Hawk. It's not even shown as claimable on the character that opened the companion - account wide.
Genie's Gifts for Storm King Thunder don't work for me either. I am approaching 400 reputation already and the pile of genie gifts I have saved are still sitting in my inventory. Any chance this is going to be fixed before I complete the campaign?
My previous 9 existing characters at level 10 summer crafting do not have a summer artisan so unable to do any summer crafting. My new bard at level 1 summer crafting did get a summer artisan. /boggle
A dev has responded on another thread that #2 has a fixed checked in and available for a patch: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/comment/13186015 No idea on the status of #4.
A dev has posted on a different thread that this has been fixed (not how) and is available if another patch is done for preview: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/comment/13186015
Update from patch on 6/23/2021. #2 I am able to get the "Going Undercover" quest however the Blacklake District is not available to do the quest. #3 This issue is fixed in this patch. #4 Still unable to zone into Stardock instances to collect intelligence.
Issue #1 was fixed in a previous patch. Issue #2 and #3 are still present after patch on Friday morning, June 18th. I was able to hit the tab key many many times to eventually get the screen from constant swapping between character and vehicle view. However as soon as you zone back in or get out and back in of the vehicle…
I experience this exact same issue and by spamming tab key am able to temporary exit the condition. If you hold tab to long you get out of vehicle and when you get back into vehicle the condition reoccurs.