A public group of 10700 players doying MSVA??? Are you seriously?? This group will fail hardly in every try they do, these requeriments aren't going to help nothing! For me good requeriments would be: Master savabog, FBI, Master Spell Plague: 13000 Castle never, Epic Gray wolf, Epic Crag Mines: 10000 Epic Temple of the…
If they fix this way the lendary passive will be the same as the epic passive... Which is still wrong as the lendary should be stronger. Maybe put a CD of 8 seconds in the epic mount passive and 4 seconds in the lendary mount passive, instead of 10 econds for the lendary and none for the epic...
Ola, qual o link para entrar no discord de vocês? Quem procuro para entrevista e cia uma vez no Discord? Estou interessado em entrar na guild... Atualmente jogo mais com meu Gwf 3.6k(Pve)... Mas tenho também Gwf(3.5k) Pvp, OP 3.2k e todas outras classes 2.3k+ Vlw.
@nitocris83 Can you please tell us what of the feedbacks from this topic has ben listened and actualy going live today with the key changes??? Or you guys just lied and ignored all the feedback from the topic... again...
Here are my suggestions and some of the suggestions i think to be the best from the topic: * All Dungeon, Drops should be Bount to Equip, this will add a lot of replay value to dungeons as we will able to farm some specifc itens to sell on the AH. * Diferent dungeons should drop diferent stuff based on its dificulty, but…
Welll, did players are too repetitive asking devs to do the same thing again and again and again and again? Yes maybe we are... But lets keep doying this, maybe after devs reading the same thing millions of time they start to care and do something about... Lol, now this make me remenber when the devs created a post stating…
Pvp already lacks population due to its inbalance... Removing the few rewards it has will be the fastest way to kill its population even more... Due to that i extremily disagree with your suggestion.
If making pvp ladders is a bad thing due to making harder to find players for a match, just balance the total item level of the 2 teans... this way making the teams will be faster than in a separated ladder system and will be more fair than it is today... Exemple of team composition using this way of ballance: Team A:…
Doying new set and new pvp map coosts a lot more than just increasing SH siege rewards. SH Siege is a realy interesting and diferente (companions count) pvp mode.... Unfortunately devs just don't care to it... Things that can be done to improve the SH siege is: * Give a reward of 20K ad 2 times a day, then 2k AD for the…
Can we also plz have a nerf in the Hitkill TR skill "Shoking execution"? The fact that this skills ignore all the DR of the enemy and always crit due to Stealth allow ppl to make a TR build only based in power and HitKill everyone on sight...
Stronghold pvp is dead because of 2 things: It's laggy Its too long for too few rewards, once you get all the beanners you need you will never be back there because again it will be a too long content for almost no rewards... My suggestion to improve it is, give 20k AD 2 times a day for anyone that's participate in a…
SW actualy do tons of damage, and i don't see it needing more bufss... But i also dont play with a SW so maybe i'm missing something... HR by other way have NO DAMAGE at all (And i don't play with a HR), maybe increasing the HR damage and decreasing a bit it's control ability cold be a good change... TR Shocking execution…
With the new Shadowclad armor enchant plus the old broken stuff more and more ppl are leaving the pvp... that's why gauntriglyn is now realy hard to pop and why Stronghold don't pop anymore..
Here are my suggestions to start balancing pvp: TR: - Shocking Execution actualy can hitkill anyone in pvp... Remove the skill feature which make it ignore all the enemy defences... If needed improve the damage of another tr skills, but having a hitkill skill is too much for any class... - PermaStealth + Impossible to…