Takes more time for less reward. Im amazed by the justifications to stay in a game that consistently wants to screw you over. Oh well to each their own
Of course kick is still an issue, they never actually fixed it. The thing is, with how this game waa developed, it only attracts credit card kiddies who think they are good at games. Sadly, just like pc, all you will have left are credit card kiddies so my advice is quit this game. Its just going to get worse
Replacing ad with other useful items, is well beyond the intelligence of the game devs. I mean, how stupid can devs be who destroyed their pc version, then instead of take a different route on the wildly popular console version..just release the same mods, thus destroying the console version as well I saw all this coming…
I think they could care less. They only bothered fixing it because they knew it would instantly cut the xbox population right in half. Too little too late.
Wrong, sure itll alleviate as they say a bit of the scenarios, but doesnt stop getting kicked before. But hopefully its enough to fix a majority of the problem But im guessing that it wont. I say just disable it completely
Uhm, you say its pointless to do queus, just do tiamat, but then say the real problem is 10kgs players are joining. So obviously, running epics is still needed to raise gearscore, from needed gear and diamonds to bankroll upgrades But, still..I havent played for a long time. Ever since they created this dumb fix for…
True to my word, I have not logged into the game since the worthless fix was implemented. Vtk should have bern removed completely until you came up with a true solution..or didabled forever. I will not be returning until the problem is fixed.
There has been plenty of time to fix the loot windows. Its not even on their known issue list. There is SO many easy solutions Just let us set what we want to roll for..id set it to obly roll for purples and respurces. Anytthingng else is so bothersome
I will not return until vote kick is 100% removed..simple as that. If you use the random queu..then expect to not have the best players. If you want the perfect team, get a group together. Queu is to quickly get playing, not to vote kick. If someone os greifing or messing around, thats the odds you deal with when random…
To those who say people can go afk..theres an auto boot set up in pvp for that By utilizing the queu, you should be stuck with who you get..if you dont like the party..leave find another. Kicking is stupid and ONLY FOR ABUSE
Honestly, this is a stupid fix for kicking. I HATE game devs these days, this is in general nothing personal but game devs man they just cant come up with simple solutions. I have quit neverwinter, if you cant fix a simple kick mechanic, then obviously this game is not a serious endeavor. If you dont take it seriously then…
Why does everything have to be random? And if its going to be random.why does it always have to involve useless stuff? I prefer game devs that dont try so hard to make their game mediocre Get people excited! Like yay im about to get 250k, cant wait to see what cool.thing ive earned..instead of meh itll probably suck
One of the items on the to be fixed soon is.achievements And fixing chat spam will not affect dragon shout outs, it will merely hopefully just let you filter things correctly, and fix chat scrolling so.its static not cobstantly moving up
Its not that I.dont believe you, because I do. Its just im talking about pound for pound healing...of course when the team is geared out like crazy and life stealing, healing is not a big factor even without a cleric or warlock. Either way, yer gonna hate the next mod which renders lifesteal gimped as hell..well.ill.hate…
The only way to out heal a cleric is if the cleric runs a dps build or buff/debuff, or they suck or have bad build A cleric who decides to only heal, and not use astral seal, will out heal everyone by millions Warlocks simply cannot generate the same heal numbers as a focused healing cleric. With spamming boh normal and…
If we get any of the pc mods, its going to ruin this game like it did the pc Menzoberanzan looks cool though, fighting with drizzt...be funny to see all the drizzt names fighting with drizzt