eu2 is the only server working for me. when u do a fresh start of a game it will always connect to eu1 and game will always stuck on "connecting to srever". do alt+ctr+delete change to server "none" repeat and back to EU is good idea because at the 2,3 time u will connect to eu2 and have stable game without any issues (at…
i was having same problem prologue was perfect but when i arrive to protectors enclave i could do any quest/shopping and character restart every minute.sorted it today.reinstall game and change in game setting proxy from default "none" to "eu".game works perfect for me now
Maybe this have something to do with a rollback. On sunday i was on lv 9 in second town. Didn't have any issues with a game even in protectors enclave. After sundays rollback it resets me to beginning of protectors enclave and lv4. Till today can't do anything with that character resets me every minute.
Same for me prologue is perfect but in first city can't do anything quest/shopping. trying from a week with 2 characters it looks like servers are too full but all the time?