The game is still in "Beta" as in, it's not ready for an official launch. However, it seems to me like they are either testing a lot of content internally, before putting it in the open beta (Which kind of defeats the purpose), or they just haven't tested a lot of content for the game during Closed Beta. Either way, I…
The fact that it's "live" has no relevance, it is still in the beta phase of testing. This is indisputable, the fact that they are not refunding purchases, does not change the current state of the game. It does not magically fix problems with the net code, it doesn't magically add the upcoming class, it doesn't add the…
I started with the GWF, and I can definitely see an issue with this. I'm obviously being easily outclassed by rogues and wizzards in terms of damage, but I'm still able to deal with fights relatively easily. I can see a problem with Destroyer as a class feature for GWF early on. I can't see much use for this in solo play.…
Just scanning through this thread is depressing. The number of entitled/ignorant gamers is overwhelming. "I paid money for this game, and was not promised queue priory, I demand queue priority anyway." You get what you paid for, you did not pay for queue priority, as it was not promised to you. "Why does this game even…