I don't foresee GWF's standing back with the SW's and CW's spamming hidden daggers ... I can understand how a "Long Ranged" attack is implemented into GWF class. After leveling the GWF to lvl 70, had a bunch of power points to distribute. Figured I'd try the daggers power ... The damage from daggers was not that great,…
Given the state our current module is atm, I felt it was necessary to level up the core classes needed/wanted in runs. Core classes (in my opinion) being the: 1.) Tank 2.) Healer 3.) Crowd Controller. So I dusted off the GF (Lord Manntis), DC (Matron Manntis) and the CW (Manntis). As much "fun" as I had leveling those 3…
Only issue on my end, is the red aoe damage area on ground from blue dragon breath weapon doesn't appear and wipes groups. Other than that, awesome job on raid Cryptic =)
Unable to Authenticate. An issue we've seen before in the past. It will get fixed just like it always has so we all may get back to our addiction ... Neverwinter