I can understand why AD was removed from Leadership in the first place, but how is this such a problem? As someone who logs the crafting nearly every day I don't know if I've even managed to do a SINGLE rare leadership task yet. What I wish you all did instead of removing AD in the first place was substituting it for…
"Most critters in the world will now have an increased chance to drop Enchantments and Runestones." This just sounds to me like an attempt to use up more of my inventory space and force me to buy bags from the Zen store...
I don't have a problem with people botting skill nodes. Why? Because buying cheap stacks of 99 rank 5 enchants is the only way I can afford the billions and billions of refinement points necessary to have gear that doesn't completely suck.
I like this change. Now it's doing exactly what it was supposed to. The only REAL issue I have with this is that it took them this long to finally fix it. Now all a GWF needs in order to get back some lost DPS is pick up a Death Slaad companion and start adding stacking poison to their At-Wills.
"As we continue to review our content and systems we will be making some adjustments to the Elemental Evil story. " How about starting with creating a proper and large end dungeon for this entire area? Perhaps something as incredulously obvious as THE TEMPLE OF ELEMENTAL EVIL?? How you could do Elemental Evil without this…
@strumslinger What do you mean by settle? Are you referring to seeing data on how many people will no longer pay for or renew their VIP? Because I won't be renewing mine. I was days away from upping my Rank 3 to Rank 12 when you pulled this nonsense. I also hope you understand that people were already paying for Coal…
They had a way to make money. It's called VIP! We were ALREADY paying for coal wards! Through VIP! This is a stupid business decision because hordes of people will never pay for VIP ever again, thus removing that cash flow. How does that make sense in any way, shape or form? It doesn't. They shot themselves in the foot…
yetweallfalldown clearly stated "Coalescent Wards WILL NOT be leaving the stores and pricing WILL NOT increase." That right there is a PROMISE! It doesn't matter if it was a response to question, it doesn't matter if it was 6 months ago. That is an EMPHATIC statement that they are here too stay. Exactly. And it was a few…
That's exactly it. I was days away from extending my VIP from 3 to 12 and then they made this change. No way at ALL you'll catch me spending money on this game now due to nothing else than complete and utter uncertainty about ensuring that I'm actually getting what I'm paying for. Keys>Tarm Bars>Coal Wards was the main…
Well, serves you right. Upgrading mounts was HANDS DOWN the most obvious and ill-advised waste of Astral Diamonds in this entire game. The ability to purchase a higher quality mount in the AH was far cheaper than upgrading, similar to how it has been FAR cheaper to buy a purple companion in the AH instead of upgrading it…
hahaha This comment section just proves to me that this community is broken and bitter. I think that pervasive negative sentiment is what's going to kill this game because even when something positive comes along it's overshadowed by the tide of nihilistic doom and whining.
How do you figure? They took the best quest this game has ever had and turned in into a Pickup Group zerg nightmare to see how fast people can run through a string of demon heroic encounters disguised as Castle Never. There is nothing left of Castle Never in this. And who cares about better lighting? Sure the upgrade looks…
Neverwinter Team: You build a profitable game by having a larger user base completing micro transactions with regular players subscribing to VIP for tangible benefits. I'm sure you understand this. There are plenty of MMO models you can copy here. I can only conclude that you're looking to kill the game to get out of a…
This game had that in place. It's called the FOUNDRY. People creating amazing content for free. Should have been the heavily promoted and supported centerpiece to this game instead of the crazy cousin left locked in the attic. A functioning Foundry would result in infinite content created by players for players, for…
I can't get over how badly you've overshadowed the dungeons coming back by dropping news of pulling coal wards from tarm bar. Castle Never coming back should be a big story for gamers, but that thread has just 347 views and 10 comments. This thread discussing change to coal wards has 27,000 views and 25 pages of comments…
Wait...what??? You chopped this dungeon to 1/4 of its previous length and replaced the content with a strong of demon heroic encounters?? Are you kidding me? Wow. You guys would have been better off just leaving it out of the game. You're better off courting disappointment with fans that way instead of provoking all-out…
Yeah. Great. Huh. Nobody cares. You guys always seem to overshadow your good news with a completely bonehead move that angers the player base and provokes a 20 page thread of rage. Why? Why do you do this to yourselves?
It doesn't hurt to ask for a refund. Microsoft is refunding XBox VIP users that file complaints and make a reasonable case for their argument. Cryptic REALLY screwed up here. It took me awhile but I adapted to the AD change, but I did. There is no adapting to this. No work around. If I want a rank 12 enchant now, I have to…
Yeah, me neither. In fact I'm probably going to stop playing MMOs now. This is the 3rd time I invested time and money into a game only to have it go down the tubes and make it an unfriendly and stressful experience. Going back to regular games. Witcher 3 and Pillars of Eternity up next! F YOU NEVERWINTER!!!! You started…
hahaha EXACTLY!! Coal wards have been in both Tarm Bar and Zen store since LAUNCH! And now they're burning a MAIN reason why people are paying for VIP. You'd make more money by having dedicated player base paying VIP every month than the occasional casual player buying 1 or 2 wards in a year. I don't understand this from…
I don't understand the logic of this decision at all. You move coal wards to Zen store so people will pay money for them. We're ALREADY paying money for them via tarmalune bars earned through PAID VIP!!! This is ridiculous. Just ridiculous. Tarmalune bars to earn coal wards so I could upgrade to Legendary and Mythic was…
Jeff, this looks awesome! One thing that Neverwinter has always had going for it was the quality and variety of it's graphical environments. I was amazed before and now I'm simply blown away. I can't wait to play Castle Never again!!
Sounds like fun! I can't wait to try it out once it hits the live servers. I've also greatly appreciated a lot of the recent changes you've made and discussed like Tarmalune Store, mounts, changes to Stronghold, transmute costs, etc. All of this makes the game more enjoyable and less stressful to play. I'm broke in real…
Exactly! This is a very nice development and I can't wait to have the ability to customize which mounts I use instead of just having to go with the only 110% mount in my entire stable just because. The Neverwinter community is the most negative whiny bunch of negative whiners I've ever met. I can understand griping about…
@strumslinger @goatshark Well, looks like 2 updates in a row with some nice fixes to the game as you rethink some stuff. Tarmalune bar fix last mod was awesome and changes to mounts in particular has me excited. And while I'd love to see you add 100 D&D module style quests to this game, you don't need to. Why? Because a…
Also please bring back all of the dungeons! This game is absolutely threadbare without them! And give lvl 70s access to every single skirmish from each of the areas. We progress through the levels so quickly that sometimes we're past a skirmish's level range before we even had a chance to play it. Then it's gone forever…
The top issue for me is that the sheer infinite possibilities of DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS has been reduced in this game to a bunch of boring, repetitive, grinding work in the form of skirmishes, heroic encounters and a bunch of Fetch 10 quests. This is NOT what D&D is about. D&D is about dungeons and interesting module quests…