Tales Of Yelling, Pouting, Hoping, Disappointment, maybe even getting banned for being too harsh and disrespectful? That would be me, but its not working. I dont know what to do or say anymore to help this game out. People do want to play it, but why does situation have to keep happening over and over and over. All I can,…
Every one of the tales has been bug. Can you launch anything without bugging it? Anything at all? This mod has pushed me to the limits of this game being acceptable anymore. I question the managements capability of keeping this game healthy at this stage. Its truly a shame, as i wish nothing but the best, buts its bugs…
This is fist and last time I write on here. Empty chest means a few seals and small currency. 1 Greene tham. No purples. ok. Look im pointing it out, there a different thread with the same complaints. If your happy fine, im not. My view is not hyperbolic. whatever, you dont even know me or run anything with me.
Dude, i just got nothing again in the right chest of fbi. You kidding me litaaers? You guys wanna troll me and tell me to get real about fixing something that is destroying this game? I am stating whats going on Im done trying to be fair.