I've waited so long for you to join me...for together we shall explore this new realm, together we shall learn it's mysteries, and together we will help restore it's glory!
Epic Pirate King obviously showed the strength of your new build for survivability and maintaining stealth. You were awesome to watch :) I've never seen sooo many adds before, and didn't know there were "endless respawns" in dungeons before now. Once dead they've usually stayed dead lol Great learning experience to say the…
Wow, what a great time we had in Epic Cloak Tower indeed :D I had to eat pots a lot to prevent dying, run like the wind at times as I sometimes did stealth combo incorrectly. So even though I'm wearing T1 Scavenger and Rank 5 stones, coupled with my inexperience in general as a rogue, I got to experience a taste of the…
Thanks for guild welcome, been chatting in channel just earlier..everyone is really nice. :D Will be great when times sync in together. Already got a spare character slot all ready one day for a new rogue build. Good luck with the testing and when you officially release the build I will definitely be straight on it!.
Glad we worked the mail thing ok. I have in the past only played with a few people online at a time(even tried starting a guild in Week 1 of NW launch but they all left after a fortnight (cept for one good friend, who I sometimes play online with) and that guikl is basically defunct and inactive since back then .So it was…
Thanks for the great tips yet again :) I looked up the Pyrotechnic Bands and alas need more AD...so that's on top of my priority "going to get next' list. I had enough seals to get one Seal of the Executioner (put Azure 5 straight in). I'm farming for symbols as well as stones now and hopefully have the other ring in a day…
Oh cool ty rabbinicus :D Will try there as well after maintenance is done. I managed to put some Armor Pen in, but still working on getting stones and different rings/belt for more recovery/regen perhaps. My Crit, Power and and Armor Pen are all sitting on around 2k, 1k Lifesteal from armor set. My defense could be raised…
Well capped now to 60, promptly donned my first Battlefield set T1 and frantically running around Rothe Valley grinding for some stones to put in everything...since all my slots are basically EMPTY lol I too, don't pay anything for this game and work at getting things I need gradually through ingame methods...much more…
Gratz on your second rogue build nearly done! Can't imagine Bait and Switch not on my bar just yet. I use it so much.(coupled with purposely sacrificing my cleric using her as a second decoy, whilst I move to gain combat advantage or heal.Since all companions seem to break my stealth I figure I may as well utilise that…
Wow, another ten levels done...was trying to level to 50, but disconnect server just before..lol in mid stealth run :D Moving through the zones now at a speed I never thought possible, and that's completely doing everything in the zone each time. You were right, from about level 45-46 onwards, the change was amazing. I…
Well, the adventures must go on..so I kept going and got to a breath off Lvl 39...lol was soo tired I'll get 40 tomorrow sometime .Glad to hear I don't have to start all again...but I suspect highly I will need to alter with a token at some later, and most probably, crucial stage to fully experience permastealth in PvE. I…
Thanks for the tips for further up my rogue adventure :D Can't wait til I have more of the necessary skills maxed. One thing I'm already concerned about, I have accidently maxed Cunning Ambusher instead of Twilight Adept (both purple heads icons on feats..facepalm) Will this change the build for the worse?? and should I…
Hi :D First of all, may i say a HUGE thankyou for making this wonderful thread. i started NW of the first day of launch (missed beta unfortunately) and on the first day rolled a new rogue full of excitement, but absolutely NO clue on how to play it. By the time i reached Blacklake I was potting/panicing/then dying all over…
Hmm, I've seen this posted twice in this thread already....I have only played this game since the day it went to Open Beta and sold my lockboxes to market vendors in Protectors Enclave on Day 2. ( for 0 coins just like we discard in STO). You need to explore more before complaining. :D
Message Update off Facebook Neverwinter page 5mins ago For those asking, the Launcher issues are related to the web hosting of the Launcher page. Some people are still able to login normally, so please keep trying! We're working on redirecting to another page and should have a fix soon.
hehe :D Well I figure not being able to get into the Beta weekends and having to wait til now to start Neverwinter, was harder than waiting for launcher to be fixed :)
Launcher downloaded *check Launcher patched*check Options adjusted*check Headset and speakers*check Refreshments at hand*check Peace and Quiet*check Newbie helm fitted*check Huge Unashamed Grin*check Yup,...all ready for adventure in only 13mins!!!! :D
Oooh 10hrs 7mins to go, my launcher says :D Think it's time to do some serious reading up on characters, races, quests, items....and a million other things. Yes, I'll be an absolute newbie...but hey hopefully not a totally ignorant one hehe :)
Sounds like I'm going to have a heap of fun trying them all then, since I have played roles very much like yourself also :) I did try to access Beta back in March all to no avail sadly, no key given, so I'm hanging to get started!
Hi :) new here and just downloaded NW, patched and all ready to go in about 1day 20hrs!. Currently a Lifetime member in STO and have loved the Cryptic experience so far and simply can't wait to extend it into this one!! Devoted Cleric...now that sounds good for starters :D