The GWF nerfs are way too HAMSTER... wth are you guys looking at? where the ideas behind these nerfs come from? Seriously, im raging at this and uninstalling the game right now. GWF is the MOST useless PvE class there is. ANYTHING is better than them, they cant fit in any role... they cant dps/aoe as other classes do…
They gotta fix that soon, every T2 says the gear requirement is 8300 but guess what. ITS IMPOSSIBLE to do them with a team at that GS. I tried it myself. Im a 11.5K GS CW i went with a friend DC who is at 10.5k GS, we took 3 pugs at 8.3k GS to test. We tried every T2 we explained them what skills to use and how to play…
Maybe have a competent CW using RoE on boss? Have a Destroyer with plaguefire? or a rogue with plague and another tr with vorpal? pls people learn to play the game. ALSO FFS 99% of the TRs here are at 1.1k arpen. Start stacking arpen for bosses. PLS This lukers nerf was LONG needed. and by the way YOU STILL HAVE COURAGE…
And this is why ANY TR crying about ANY other class, should shut up, read their skills and feats and learn to play. But no, its easier to say, OH NO certain class is OP pls nerf... come on.. seriously... And yeah, sorry if im being too rude or aggressive, its just it hits me really hard to see someone playing a class with…
Please learn to play, GWF are better than what they were, yes but they are not nearly as being as good as rogues are. I mean are you serious? vorpal enchantment+stealth +leashing strike = 30k damage... if that fails to do the job then impossible to catch and throw daggers. Did that fail?? Ok np, Shadow Strike and 100% crit…