OK nevermind it seems I must have been button smashing and zoom out, didn't know you could now control the camera zoom in or out. Thank the devs for changing that, back to playing the game peacefully :)
For me, I am just good with new companions, new social area like protector enclave, sharandar and the snow village, and maybe player housing to show trophy and such. Don't care much about stats, high end equipment, and all the math involved around it, that's just a waste of time to me.
Ok I know that's your opinion but I will take that as hating, everything was ok for your opinion, except when you said they shouldn't extended, how does that affect your gameplay? Simply don't join the area.
I got to admit, after reading all of this, I didn't know some players were so hardcore about stats. No wonder I hear people getting kicked out of dungeons runs, I assume they mean about the 70+ I guess it's a good thing this game adjust to all players and not just hardcore dungeons players .
My friend not everything is just about gain or rewardsbut if that's your opinion then thats fine. I personally like the scenery of places. Winter is also nice, such as fishing and going on top the telescope, except that annoying loud noise from the races.
I am only waiting for the female sprite, it's a purple rank and in the collection section, it says you get it in the zen store but haven't come out yet. About to give up on it.
Sp far I haven't seen payers with it, maybe it's like some of you said, they don't find it useful, I just collect for rareness :) next one I am waiting is the female sprite and the priestess of sehanine moonbow
The honest reason I want it it's because of the looks and it's rare, just like I have collected my other companions, I could care less about stats lol, I play the game to explore and lore not for high end gear and stats. They should keep extending the game so it can be more exploration based too. Oh and I finally bought it…
Ok thanks, tempting but might wait a year until I have enough coins. I would though if you could do more with companions such as pet them or feed them.
If I were to use money to buy zen and then sell that for Astral Diamonds how much will I be paying in real usa money if the angel cost about a million and half in Astral diamonds?
So I guess it's just part of the game then, I hope they can add it next update where you can zoom and rotate your companions just like you can with your character, I like fashion and armor details before I wear them.
The lagging happend to me alot when I first played this game, I had fast Internet connection up to 30mps, what I notice is that my WiFi sometimes messed up because my xbox was on the next room divided by a wall. When I connected a cable instead of WiFi I never had a problem again. So try not using WiFi and connect a cord.
I am not really a fan of grinding such as repeating dungeons but I like leveling up by doing the story quest, events, etc. I usually wait for the double experience lol
I also like how you can get on top of building and such sometimes, like in both the summer and winter festival and some places in protector enclave, I like climbing places lol and enjoying the view up high. I have climb to the top of the telescope in the winter festival and it's a nice view. I dislike it when areas like…
Loving it so far, i love how relaxing the place is though that race track sounds you can hear everywhere even when not racing it's annoying. Want the sled too
FINALLY, been waiting for this, thank you, especially just for the unicorn and sylph, buying it Thursday when I get paid. Now all I need is feywild lockbox.
So when does the summer festival ends? Here the official post says Aug 27 but in game it end in a day from today unless you are on the travel world map then its the 27 too, so I am confuse