Clerics were fine the way they were. The damage a cleric does is low compared to a rogue, I was able to match rogues in the dungeon through AOE damage spamming with very little healing and only because mobs die SO FAST in this game that I was murdering them before the rogue could even REACH them. Soloing a cleric will…
The more formal definition of wizards and sorcerers is also fitting to Arturian mythos. Sorcerers are practioners of magic that have been formally educated in a mage circle, they actually respect the magic itself more so than their kin and are usually considered the most respectable classification of magi. Morgana was…
That's really not the case as Rangers and Fighters would still have unique abilities that the other does not. 4th edition is much more Ability-oriented and much less Feat-oriented than 3rd edition. The characters one can create with 3e could certainly make a ranger indistinguishable from a fighter, but 4e has more flavor…