"Acceptable" to me is everything turned up to max. I still get playable framerates with everything turned up as high as it goes, so what needs to happen is this bug needs to be fixed.
Ray of Enfeeblement + Steal Time + Entangling Force is the secret of my PvP successes. Hit entangling force, then while they're stunned, hit steal time, then hit ray, and spam MM. Kills more often than not.
I'm quite confident in saying that you know nothing of actual disaster recovery plans for IT organizations. Even Amazon AWS has had outages lasting longer than 3 hours--the most recent one was 4.5 hours, and that didn't even restore service to everyone involved.
Actually, this has given me an idea. Get rid of the concept of need/greed/pass entirely and just have the server dictate the items you get (or don't get). (For the record, it's touche, and since apparently vBulletin isn't unicode aware, the e is supposed to be accented which you can do via alt+0233)
How about the people who spend countless hours running the same dungeon repeatedly, only to see the other classes' gear drop all the time? They're getting nothing under the need-only-for-your-class system. Just as I am unhappy that someone can take an item away from "me" (via my companion) being able to use it. Frankly,…
That option, while better, doesn't address the issue of an item being a clear downgrade for the player, while being a clear upgrade for the companion. The whole notion of restrictions by usability is flawed in its' core--better to simply ignore it and use the only truly fair system: random chance.
Let me continue playing devil's advocate here and then pose this question to you: Let's assume a similar situation, except the Icon is a clear downgrade for the cleric. Should he still have the ability to roll need and screw my companion out of a clear upgrade? Yes. They worked equally hard to accomplish the goal,…
I can accept companion-specific equipment--that gives everyone a level footing for gear competition. However, that's not the reality of the situation (unfortunately). I personally feel that everyone should be able to roll need, with non-usable classes getting a penalty to their roll for not, y'know, actually being able to…
Here's the problem with the whole "if you can't use it, you can't need it" idea: companions. I'm a Control Wizard with a Cleric companion, and an Icon drops. It's definitely an upgrade for my companion, as well as the cleric who happens to be in our group. Can I need on it? Before you answer, consider that I've put in just…