as far back as i can remember which is like 20 yrs playing these games there has always been n g and p..why get rid of it just tweek it...if there wasn't so many greedy fk's then we shouldn't have a problem in the first place.
well yeah that sounds fine but the term ninja looting doesn't really apply to them hitting on need lol..well for me ninja looting falls into place when someone forgets to put on roll and they stand near corpse or somewhere and loot it before anyone else then whistles away :P
it point was a greedy one lease the towards the end where it wanted everyone the option to roll on gear that isn't even for their class....for greed reasons due to money blah blah...if this is the case no one would have their would all go to peoples piggy banks
if you need money don't see you people needing it should hold LOOT groups where you disregard the original need/greed rules and go in for just money drops then you guys can roll the need dice and whoever wins, wins...
dude your comment STINKS of GREED...that is why they have a GREED button..for your type of don;t roll on other classes ****..if you do you put greed not need....sheesh..go play wow>>>haelra
i don't know about you..maybe you got a different take on what "need" means but every game i played is you only NEED if you can if you want it for an ALT then log him on or get it later you GREED it if you don't actually NEED for that particular chrt...or there has been some cases where everyone say rolls pass then…
see still missing the picture it says CELESTIAL COINS like the gods themselves have fleeting form....doesn't say ardent AND celestial coins have fleeting forms lol and yeah it gives a day to use your invoking skill again to KEEP the celestial ones due to the ardents remain not the celestials hard is that to get?…
no you can do it i don't think i want to anymore i feel it is not worth it anymore..and the lack of description saying one thing and meaning another is ..... so
i didn't triple post as it blocks you from posting every 30 secs durr and so what if it is used together i didn't make the descriptions if they meant it as both once a day should have made that in the is what ardent says "Gain ardent coins by invoking the gods at an altar or campfire.Ardent coins will…
read the description it tells you only celestials are once a day it says for ardents it says every time you invoke the gods you gain a coin lol log in and check for yourself i would copy n paste but can't in game....if it wasn't like that you wouldn't see mobs of people standing by the piety chick invoking every day all…
and plus i logged on to look at ardent description it says you gain them everytime you invoke and the celestials are the ones where it is once a day..if that was the case the angel pet would take you 360 days? lol
no you guys are missing what i am saying they are vanishing after log out.....and then i'll invoke again gain a point and i'll log out and poof gone when i come back...and my bro and dad keep theirs no matter if they log out...? sound better lol
Lol...not really few days i play non stop but i solo....and i really don't have the funds to buy it is over priced...gear ranging like 5k diamonds and buyout 100k lol yeah thats why i was pvping to get the tokens well glory to get free gear ..without having to do much.