Ok, so all the stupid kids got their will.. Instead of understanding that they are the problem here and not a perfectly fine class (apart from perma stealth rogue.. But that one's annoying at the very best.. Also easy to counter..), the devs babysit all the crybabies and balance a PvE game after PvP. And why? Because some…
If there is a single broken class in pvp, its gwf.. Seriously, you can pop your unstoppable every freaking 3 seconds, get temporary health points and whatnot, can just stand around while being hacked on by an *entire team* and still out heal them (broken feat, yes I know) and you complain about rogues being op? Your class…
Since there are no consequences in exploiting, don't expect it to end any time soon. We enforce a zero-exploit policy in our guild and kick those that we catch exploiting, but we are clearly the exception in that.
I've played every class to lv60.. And CW is by far the easiest to play with a non-existent skillcap (I was bored straight from 1 to 60). If at all, the class needs another nerf... And please.. Learn to play your braindead class, before you start crying all over again..
I was told that there's a magic button on your tool bar, that allows for unlimited dye drops (and other stuff), provided that you have a certain amount of this magic currency.. Maybe that is what they mean with 'drop'?
Banned for thinking you have a real life, when, in fact, we are all trapped in the matrix and are nothing more but batteries for our mech overlords. If you try just hard enough, you will notice the truth.. Also, Elvis Presley killed John F. Kennedy.. (Proof!)
Not every guild cares about your online times or your gear score.. There are guilds for casual people.. And in the worst case you can just create your own. But since this is in a Preview board, may I suggest you just use the guild search to find a guild and just ask them if you could join? Most guilds on Mimic take…