But, the issue with the games that do support twinking, they have items like BoAs in WoW. Which require a large portion of time on your max level character just to twink. I like to only have to spend time on the character I plan to lock. Yes, it is a public forum. But, you still should know when being helpful turns into…
I have hated WoW since Cata came out. And dude, your sarcasm is unneeded. Get out of my thread. Now. I can't play with the "big boys"? You must mean 2/2 upgraded full 2200 RBG gear facing MoP green players last season in WoW. Because there is so much skill in 2 shotting. 9's only 1 shot 0's if they are full whites and the…
Nice fail editing. My team can and will lose when I am level locked if the other team does not have any twinks. When I hit a 9, what ever gear I have on is what I use to face non-twink games.
Right. Twinks are the root of ALL problems for MMOs. But, I don't need some sarcastic troll replying to my thread everyday. It is not appreciated. And it's not that they are all twinks, they just don't approve of "leveling down". The main issue with mentoring (besides extra passives, talents etc) is that you can not queue…
If they do mentoring I will quit and take my friends with me. As well as our money. And some of their friends will leave with their money as well. ETC.
Id rather see 30+ for level locking, like someone said. And if people want to abuse the exp off in exp on games if cryptic/PW goes that route, make it take 24 hours before you can remove/add it. Otherwords, just make our stats have a "cap" in BGs.
No. That showed how few of us there are. The 19s bracket in WoW still gets lots of queues if you know when to queue. Same with 39s. 70s are mostly night time EST. ^based off of cata^ No longer have a 70 twink. He is like 83 or 84 now. There are obviously a LOT more people not level locked. Why? Er... self explanatory…
When it is balanced, it is very fun. PvP is not intended for casuals. It is not intended to have people be in max gear facing the non-geared new players. It is for those of us that want to have fun. But, when a game has gear, it is no longer "allowed" to be just fun because there will always be someone better than you. The…
Lol... If I have a twink, the ONLY thing I would use real money, or Astral Diamonds, would be to get a 110% mount if I was in the 20+ brackets. If they allow it I will probably be a GWF at 39 because that is the first bracket that they are not completely terrible.
What they could do about the gear issue is how Trion managed it with Rift. For the first 7 wins of the week in either a specific game that week, or randoms, you get random blues that are from BGs only that are on par with the dungeon gear. Some of this gear was much better than the dungeon gear. Meaning that twink gear…
GF isn't as over powered as it could've been in the 19's bracket. The shield goes down too fast. Other than that, if you know that you can attack with Guard up, you are already 10x better than most people playing the game at pvp. I've been beaten by everything except GWF's 1v1 when my GF was leveling 10-19. Though I did…
I don't aim for wearing BiS gear. Yes, I always have it in my bags so that if another BiS twink comes along, my team doesn't lose. But if I am facing non-twinked players, I usually throw on some trashy gear. Because level 9's are already op enough if they remove the buff to 9's. So why face every epeen *** hole at level 60…
Also, level locking is just another part of the journey for me :) My twinks never stay at that level. I eventually go to the next bracket, or go to max level to start over with a new character for that bracket.
If there is no pvp in the game, I don't play. You would be surprised how many others think this way when getting a new game. Does Diablo 3 have the PvP it promised for launch? Nope. And its been about a year now. It was supposed to be WITH launch. Also, with D3, they had created it just how they wanted it. Cancelled to…
No... F*** NO! NO MENTORING! So, you want a level 60 with all their skills maxed out to kill my level 19 that I actually obtained the gear for that level? I will have weaker abilities, and I won't be able to use abilities like the Anvil execute type ability that GFs have, I won't have nearly as many talents, or even…
Lol... SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much wrong with that post. So, your telling me, you want to get max gear to finish the carrot on a stick grind that never ends at max level, just to be roflstomped by someone who is already there? With twinking, you only get different gear when the company messes with the gear at your level.
Finally! Someone who sees anything! I would only enjoy killing the 0-9's if they were buffed to 19 with decent stats that can compete on a 1v1 ground, and even kill me when I have full BiS.
I am not even 60 yet. So no, it is not... Please don't assume these things. I was just stating what I think would better the level 10-19 bracket. Though if they allow level locking, I will be there. People assume "oh, twink? oh yeah. Those guys who hack games and cheat their way to killing a level 1 that just started."
But lobby games are s***. And the diversity in being classes is what makes it fun for most of us who don't just brag and grief people. Twinks are given such a s***y appearance because of a few of us. Also, when someone says "the majority of you quit twinking when they added exp lock in wow! we know this because of the long…
Also, to those who complain about rogues with 100% dodge, Blizzard hotfixed this with making everyone under 35, have their stats scale as if they were 35. (I don't think haste works like that in WoW though.) Yeah yeah, this isn't WoW. Doesn't mean that they cant attempt to fix things in a similar manner.
So, in a dnd game, the ONLY focus should be max level? Right, here I was thinking that dnd was about "ooh, next level! Thanks for the fun game night!" etc futrix, please don't tell me about how low level is ONLY a tutorial. Because that is a lie.
I find it very enjoyable. Just because "no one will use it" yeah bull ****. I use it a lot, and ENJOY it. Thanks for stereotyping us all. Also, did you read my whole post? Nope. Here, I will stereotype everyone who dislikes twinks: Sees level locking/twinking in thread name. Immediate post on how terrible of a player the…