A Game where the dev's have a guild, play and are logged in always and take care of problems on the server [ Balmung ]
* Change GF shield into a wet paper bag and mark into a macro pewing Monty Python references. * Change GWF Sprint / Unstoppable into a handicapped hobble * Change Pally Sanctuary into them walking around with a candle * Change HR weapon ...actually, they are bad enough here
I did not have the time to read everything, Multi tasking ATM, but did you calculate the RI from Enforced Threat as well, the mark / debuff from that is separate from Tab and Threat. Rush GF can stack all 3.
This is the only time I agree with those players. Alpha testing changes should be done at a premium build for balance, then it will scale down in effectiveness for lesser geared players. This is correct.
" We want the game to be fair and want good pvp " - Said as they hop over the fence in PvP before the match starts while wearing botted and exploited enchants and gear /sarcasm
Another reason why I love Mother Russia !!! еще одна причина, почему Россия лучше , чем в США Edit: Cryptic, I will pay you 100 dollars to allow me to play on Soviet servers, transfer my characters there :D