So glad someone made a thread for this before I did. Re: the mask being empty before -- no, it wasn't. People were always RPing in there even if it was just a few, before the merge. It's not so much an issue of "oh, let's put a quest npc in here to liven up the mask" it's an issue of ... everyone who goes in there to hand…
I made a post about this some time ago as well, completely agree that NW should support roleplay and roleplayers more. Give us means to roleplay and we will throw oodles of $$$ at your game!! I have been wanting to throw more money down but this is the only single reason I haven't and have noticed many starting to lose…
If this is all about the damage meter display..... Rogues used to get the most damage consistently. But from my experience, my own rogue usually always got 1 or 2 in damage and CONSISTENTLY last in # of kills. Rogues were truly balanced well to do damage to a SINGLE foe. (This might explain why the PVPers whined about…
I understand there were issues with rogues being powerbuilt to be able to achieve perma-stealth and things like that. But honestly, as an 'average' player like a LOT of people who doesn't engage in much pvp, and hasn't crazily optimised my char, just plays PVE averagely for fun .... this is really <font…