Asking why Drow but not Duergar seems like asking why scythes but not pitchforks. They're both farming implements, they both serve the same basic principles in real life, but one is shrouded in romanticism and poetic drama so its vastly more popular and requested as a usable item (which is ironic when you consider that…
Walt on Ice is actually a misnomer, because it doesn't refer to anything about iceskating, but to the fact that the castle in the Magic Kingdom in Disney World is only the capstone of a vast, underground, high tech labyrinth dedicated to preserving the remains of Walt Disney long enough to research and restore his…
So... kind of like heroic 5-mans but soloable? I remember this really cool raid in SWG on Mufasa (or whatever the heck that lava planet was named... I've repressed most of my memories of Star Wars episodes 1 - 3) where it was like this pitched battle where you and a bunch of people had to hold the line against waves of…
Thanks! As much as I love blabbing my opinion in every single thread, do I try to not take myself that seriously, it's all in good fun. As if the name itself didn't give that away. Maybe I should put a disclaimer in my sig telling people not to take me that seriously... maybe I'll crimp ye olde 4chan: "The stories and…
3 months per new class? So like, 4 new classes a year? 20+ classes in 5 years? That seems rather excessive. I'd rather get maybe one a year that's a solid, well constructed, and colorful class, instead of getting a bunch of mediocre ones. Character customization is overrated because there's a percentage of the MMO…
Ahh, I see. So at what point does Demogorgon jump out and punish all of the squealing little sausages who thought that they could get away with murdering his beloved rats?
That statement was made completely tongue-in-cheek :p Well, you brought up similarities in timescales between WoW and Neverwinter development periods, and I only thought it fair to consider all of the variables that go into making a game. It's fun to HAMSTER around on an internet forum dreaming about the perfect MMO, it's…
What was World of Warcraft's budget and staff allocation compared to Neverwinter? Yeah well, that's just like, your opinion, man. I think they look awesome, personally (but that's just like, my opinion, man). 4 (maybe 5) classes with a lot of TLC given to each is much preferable to a dozen classes that were poorly…
I see your DAoC and EQ2 and raise you one SWG. Talk about what an unenviable job trying to please -that- fan-base would have been. How many classes did SWG have in the beginning. And the players... they whined about the Pre-CU, they really whined about CU, and Whoa ho ho did they ever pitch fits about NGE.
Hey now, let's not get into the "Stop having fun, guys" mentality, where someone who wants to enjoy Neverwinter as just a fun game has every bit a right to as the person who wants to enjoy Neverwinter as a Forgotten Realms experience. To each his own. I can see how that could be a huge problem where people make maps that…
I'll second (third?) this notion. The weapon focus feats were just too indispensable for a fighter not to take without hamstringing them. And that means picking one kind of weapon and sticking with it so you get all those weapon focus bonuses. I've made peace with being pigeon-holed. It's going to happen regardless of how…
Meh, maybe it's because I just finished another run through of Neverwinter Nights 2 and I'm stuck in the 3.5e mentality where you planned entire builds around which core classes you needed to take to get access to the prestige class you wanted (9 fighter/1 bard/10 red dragon disciple -- a plate-wearing, scroll casting,…
In Second Life we segregated them geographically (the world was unbelievably massive) ...Adult content got its own continent. As in, a place where countries live. Huge amount of land, more than you could ever fully explore. Filled with people doing strange and obscene things that no upstanding gentlemen DnD players such as…
You'd be surprised what players will do when they have lots of love and no deadlines. I am personally quite excited for the foundry and I really hope they pull it off. player generated content is the gift that keeps on giving... sometimes for better... sometimes for worse... sometimes for "ew omg what are those people…
Everquest at launch was a ridiculously arduous grind by modern MMO standards. Ask any oldschool MMO player what the "hell levels" were like (going from 30-40) and they might start twitching involuntarily: weeks and weeks of grinding where one death caused you to lose days worth of work. And they didn't quite figure out how…
It's been mentioned, but an MMO without an endgame is an MMO that continually bleeds subs after launch. People do everything there is to do and then they leave. I guess roleplaying is one option of something to do in the end-game, but personally I have always found it extremely difficult to find roleplay that isn't a…
That german video was a great find! Gave a really good sense of how the game will be played. The graphics and character customization screen look great! Alas, however, it seems like they're going with the tech tree route. Apparently some people think that means lots of choices, but for me it means going onto mathcrafter…
To be fair, it's not -that- much of a stretch. A few early levels in fighter from his training with his pappy and living in Menzoberranzan, a level or two in barbarian while he was living in the underdark, a few levels in ranger from his time with Montolio Debrouchee, and has been taking levels in ranger ever since. He's a…
One thing I always really liked about Second Life is that it had a tool that let people script their own characters, adjusting how the character walks or their fighting style or whatever, and even sculpt their own pieces of armor or clothes. Of course being that it's Second Life, it mostly turned into a virtual HAMSTER…
@ voqar -- You actually make some pretty solid points, man. If I could comment, I certainly agree with you about the traditional F2P model where they're always throwing sales in your face or making you go bug people on Facebook. But I've seen F2P games that don't throw that kind of stuff at you. I played that Tiberium Sun…
Try not to look at it that way. Look at it like this: in MMOs, it's a fact of life that you either cause damage, take damage, or heal damage. Even for games that tried to be more flexible, it always ends up being more beneficial for a group when individuals specialize and coordinate their specialties. That's human nature,…
Sorry for the delayed response, been busting my tail on a big freelance project that I am working on for Hasbro (And before you ask, no, it's not for Wizards of the Coast, sadly... It's for their young girl's division. Not that I'm not complaining about a job that lets me be creative, even if it's coming up with cutesy…
If by "loved one" you mean "my bank account", then yes, I am extremely worried about my precious baby throwing a fit over spending a gob of cash on a f2p game.
I only skimmed the thread so please excuse me if this sounds off-topic. But when it comes to MMOs, I recognize that with MMOs comes needs specifically related to that medium, compared to tabletop games. PnP games were designed so that a couple of friends could sit around the table and have fun with a wide variety of…