im not getting any weekly task has anyone done Confront Kabal ? got the reward but then no weekly quest? seems no one has the weekly so to recap: 1: BHE's bugged 2: Server performance in River district worse than ever 3: Quests bugged 4: Merchant Bugged Moderator edited out rule violation.
been asked for many years but they wont open EU server were stuck with a US server which priorities US time zones (even with VIP game is still F.2.P) so they have all there lovely loop holes...
@terramak Will there be any crafting changes or hidden extras in this patch :smile: mainly looking at: 1: A collect all button for crafting 2: A reload button for crafting 3: Unstoppable bug fixed? 4: Pet behavior fixed 5: Weekly reward for MSVA changed to include Legendary mark of your choice * or the ability to upgrade…
OMG i get the same thing and i cant figure out " why is it checking login server when im switching toon " When it does this time out the message stays there for like 1 whole minute then times out :(
Dread ring is even worse than WOD recently Examples (this is based on FTTC 80mbps down 20mbps up) 1: The time i fire hidden daggers and it hits enemy and shows damage is 7 seconds 2: waiting after going to a NPC for F (interacable to complete quest) can take up to 10 seconds or i have to move away many times for it to…
@terramak are the servers getting upgraded before this goes live? The servers have been beyond disgusting stability wise since the last x2 events (x2 rp and x2 exp) even though i have upgraded my connection from 17mbps ADSL2 / 1mbps to 80mbps down 20mbps isssues i didnt have before are now interfereing with things where…
@asterdahl @rgutscheradev can i please have an update regarding my post on the barkshield enchant please * only reason i mention it is it was included in your notes with weapon enchants initially
@rgutscheradev Can you confirm if the Bark-shield enchantment is working as intended please? if it isnt can you please fix this ASAP if it is can you please revise it ? it seems pointless to upgrade each layer to 20k but then allow 1k of damage remove a layer
to be honest even before testing i could say that was the case (i am glad its been changed but still every 20 seconds getting results such as Lowest 1844 to highest 4180 with power scaling is still useless 1: either keep the 20 seconds but boost Damage alot more 2: or add other effect into it to do DPS/Debuff its…
@ Pandarus I like the Class its really quite fun and alot of the skills work well together one thing I dont see however is the Shield Being used No Dailys No Ecounters * 1 At Will skill kinda uses it like T/Rush Comments ? Cough cough Give us a 2 handed Mace :)
All well in good but 5-6 hours to fix it isnt really acceptable pretty much an epic failure of a launch if your in the UK 4 of my friends who play the game and are on different ISPS all had same issue so mods coming on and saying possible isp related is kind of idiotic
8pm here and still havent even downloaded / patched more than 134mb useless devs/ mods aint doing anything it seems not even a Post on dev tracker yet .....
Listen moron I had pre patched way before this i'm talking about the conversion from pre patch to live when it checks and copys over when servers are live and they were on still all this time and it aint patching here i was thinking you were intelligent GUESS i was wrong
I shall refrain from responding to your answer and leave it at that needless to say this is not acceptable 21mb patched in 18 minutes is not normal its a fault with the patching server or cryptics less than usefull servers.
Upon reading the changes and copying my 15k TR over and testing it on Dummys and mobs Single and aoe I must say changes are quite good however one thing I DO NOT agree on is the stealth drain the TR is a Stealth Class You cannot change this without taking away what it fundamentally means to be a Trickster Rogue its like…
Have to agree mod 4 still has issues in and and mod 3 still has the RNG bugs and you want to release a new exp so soon? are you MAD? have you lost all reason and logic ? really am glad ESO/WS is my main games as NeverWinter has went from being my Fav to 3rd the Devs ignore posts and PMS issues remain unfixed for months and…
for others perhaps for myself: 1: Slot I didnt need as i have 3 2: Bag i didnt need as all my toons have +2 first sacks and 3 Greaters 3: Onloy Rerolled one to Dragon GWF 4: the Race reroll bugged and ddnt allow me to change Stats CS gave me the usual copy paste nonsense So no the 19-25 GBP would have been much better for…
1: You can try switching to melee then back this fixes it most times for me ()fire off an at will (HR) 2: You can let the dragon hit you and kill you then go back this works also for me it did on 5 occasions 3: try targeting over it under it to the left and right usually there is a 1cm part you can target and once you get…
I would support bringing it down for a week if it meant they would fix all the issues they have failed to fix thus far, Yes you understand me correctly
you do realise your statement is pointless? the game has bugs going back 6- 9 months would be nice if they can fix 75% of them before worrying about new content. 43 bug reports is how many I have submitted and 18 of the 23 I know about still exist in the game......
Usual down time is two hours for me 15:00 17:00 so its 2 hours extra today and yeah Kind know the patch isnt the main thing but still seemed excessive, to b honest prefer if they would admit the game is not really suitable as it and fix ALL the issues would be nice to take it down for 2/3 days fix it correctly then bring…
@ the devs There has been a list of bugs reported in both LOL and SOT for quite some time how come so little was fixed? any reason why the servers are down for 4 hours? seems rather lengthy for such s small patch
Just did my first 6 runs in Epic LOL and not impressed 1: Red areas are far from "Precise" Even have screen shots of me outside red area and getting hit. This refers to Dropping objects / Breath 2: Mobs DPS is insane Getting hit for up to 40k without red attacks ? Example Acid backstab (36668) (42334) 3: SW healers really…