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  • This is obviously a bug and hopefully will be fixed before mod 3 goes live. Augment pets don't hinder any other classes' tab abilities, and obviously shouldn't hinder a tr as well. Those who argue against it, like the previous poster mentioned, just want easy mode vs tr. Sorry to disappoint you all, but I have a little…
  • I've had someone in my pup pvp team with a 4K gs. End of match this person had 100 points, 17 deaths and 0 kills. Any competent (insert class) player with perfects/r9-10s is worth 3 of those 4K gs any day imho. I hate to be blunt but if you don't put in the effort to spec, gear, learn the in and outs of pvp, don't come on…
  • I'm all for this as I think it will benefit both the player base and Cryptic. For the playerbase, it's obvious, for Cryptic it can mean better customer service and extended game longevity. Many of us started out with pve in mind, and rolled our toons accordingly to what's best for said purpose. Overtime, Pve becomes stale…
  • I love 1v1 as much as the next guy, and I know what you're saying op, but it's totally expected while the match is still going on. If the scores are close, I just want to kill the opponent asap so I can move on and be helpful elsewhere. If it's a blowout, on the other hand, then by all means go 1v1 and have a ball with…
  • I agree, can we please have the option of staying on the map after the match is over. Some of the most fun and educational times I've had in pvp is messing around with guildies or players from opposing team after the actual match. We can't spar, can't 1v1, etc...this is how some of us practice our skills.
  • I have ran into this situation more than once as well. I don't think the op is exaggerating either as I've experienced this first hand. I don't think pvp pots/regen is enough to do this, more than likely it's the emblem from MC. That thing is getting nerfed, so hopefully we won't be seeing much of this in the near future.
  • I'm not familiar with D&D rule sets, how would a warlock play differently than a cw? Obviously they're both casters, but any idea how the classes will play similarly and more importantly, differently?
  • You're complaining about having more options? A little sun every now and then may do you good.
  • Another vote for both. Sharandar is by far the worse grind of the two. It makes no sense to change it to Dread only when that one can be completed in half the time of the Sharandar one. Here's another idea, why not make the caches account bound, that way those of us who have been through Sharandar multiple times can send…
  • I have to chime in here and say this is a terrible idea. I have 3 alts, leveling a 4th specifically for pvp and mod 3. I have spent ridiculous amount of ad on pets on my current toons, and have so far only bought the augment for the 4th. While I have spent a lot on pets, I still want a somewhat leveled playing pvp field…
  • Signed. I know it's in the works, but yeah, just throwing in my support for this option.
  • People have been asking for this since forever, and with the recent changes to pvp I'm really baffled why it hasn't been implemented already. A dual spec would also be awesome as I know a lot of us do both pve and pvp. Having to roll two of the same class because of how clunky it is to go back and forth between the two…
  • Hey Leeroy, thanks for sharing with the community your pvp build. Both the Grim and profound sentinel sets have plenty of deflect and a 4/4 bonus slow affect. Would it be worthwhile to pick up battle trample/trample the fallen for the extra dps or would you still go with unstoppable recovery/bravery? I would think with a…
  • I have to concur with the above posts. Our pve damage is subpar due to the way dungeons are designed. I regularly run VT on my Gwf, cw, and tr. While they're similarly geared, my gwf and cw often top the paingiver chart, while my tr is usually an embarrassing last. I don't mean close last, I mean like almost half of…
  • Does anyone have a picture of what the sinister tome looks like? It's the one you trade in 1000 bars for. Would be awesome if this game has vendor previews. Thanks.
  • Can anyone confirm or refute this with source? Also with this build, if you're running with another cw and chill is applied to the mobs before you can do your rotation, would you lose a significant amount of dps?
  • I've always been a little confused with how much stats to stack for a cw, especially concerning crit and arpen. My understanding is Eots adds 15% (for encounters/dailies) on top of your crit %, hence the reason why I think Grimah recommends 35% crit, which would give you 50%+ crit rating. If you downgrade your base crit…
  • Pvp aside, isn't this a buff for pve? You do 25% less damage, but you gain 66% more capacity? Obviously you don't always get 5 mobs, but more often enough that it's actually a buff? The prone I can't speak of because I haven't done anything ingame yet since the change.
  • I agree those little loot windows are annoying. Idk how to fix the current problem, but I do find everything from those little windows that pop up telling you there's loot to the actual window rolls during fights very distracting and annoying.
  • Anyone knows what's the deal with this? It's been a couple of days now and the problem is still there. Arc has been giving me a connection error, invalid username/pw. I am able to sign into the game not using Arc just fine.
  • Hi Stox, thanks for a great guide. I have a couple of questions. For tieflings would it be better to keep the racial trait or still go with tempest magic. If not, what do you recommend putting the 5 points in. Also, I'm sort of confused on single targets. What should I use in VT against Valindra. I've heard all sorts of…
  • I have never participated in this event. Seems like filler material and I won't miss it or even know it's gone. But, I hope it gets replaced by something better, like more DD hours. Or better yet, just get rid of DD hours and let us buy keys.
  • I think we all know where this is going. Pre mod 2 coal wards were around 100K. After mod 2 they're 140-150k. Currently they're around 180-190. In a few weeks supply will dry out, and they'll sit around 250-300K. Soon enough they will be near zen store price, 380ish. Mission accomplished. New players are going to feel the…
  • I'm genuinely baffled by these posts claiming the game is too easy. Many of the reasons are already mentioned here, but worth repeating. Look at what happened after Mod 2; boons, artifacts, cheap r5s, etc. Your toons should be incredibly more powerful than they were, and if your team is well geared you should be able to…
  • I've been pleading for this as well. One or two free keys a day, then AD/gold cost if you want more is a great idea. Please implement this soon as scheduling conflicts prevent some/many of us from participating in the one thing left enjoyable in the game.
  • If I've killed the boss 5-6 times and I still don't get the set piece, I'm going straight to the ah. Buying gears isn't bad, there's no point imho in running a dungeon 30 times to get a certain drop. Multiply that by the number of alts you have, and you'll see why some people have no qualms about buying gears.
  • It is getting tiresome to see my gwf goes for his sword every 30 sec as well, please fix this.
  • Thanks to those who clarified the need vs. greed runs. I think the above posts are arguing about two completely different things. In a "normal" run where no prior rules are established, a need for your class is perfectly fine. In a profit run where everyone has agreed to greed, then a need would be ninjaing. Anyway, I…
  • I might be wrong here, but no one really answered the op's question. He's asking why not do a full Need run, instead of a Greed run, so no one can ninja stuff. If everyone selects need, it prevents ninjaing, so why not do Need runs? I've wondered the same thing as the op. What's the difference between a full need vs greed…