i did not sit a read this post by post but i see alot of people claiming AS is only useful heal yadda yadda blah blah, We have no massive single target heal yadda yadda blah. Honestly since the patch i have had no problems running dungeon with effectiveness true i was pre 60 when the patch dropped. But my first dungoen was…
Even Wow and Rift had an exceptional amount of bugs at launch trust me i played them both even back in vanilla wow days. Your playing a game that is also F2p and F2o both wow and rift you had to buy
So i have been sitting checking this forum every few hour just to see if it update and i take a looks at the comments just to read what people have to say. Honestly, the fact that the community of this game is sitting almost as bad as HoN is really quite sad. It just went live, just as with any game there are bugs to be…