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  • You should sell the unused dragon bone icon on the auction house. You'll want to put a purple icon (T2 or better) into your stone. The dragon bone items are only good for leveling.
  • The +# indicates the item's tier. I think +6 or +7 is equivalent to tier 2.
  • That's only who you're typing to.
  • Press LB+down on d-pad to open up chat press select to navigate within the chat box go to the players name press "a" to bring up a menu Go to view player profile and press "a" you can report from there
  • Castle never counts for the daily.
    in XPac Comment by kodiakduck April 2015
  • You have to talk one of the other harpers near Boward to get that quest. Normally the guy next to her.
  • Highlight the item in our overflow bag and press x to move it. pressing X then A with out moving the cursor will put that item in the first empty slot. The controls are along the bottom of the screen in case you ever need a reference. You must have an empty slot in your normal bags.
  • From the normal in game state press select (the button with the two boxes to the right of the left stick ) 3 times then press "A"
  • If you only use sacred flame switch out lance for astral seal. Hit mobs with astral seal then start using sacred flame. That way you and your team gets heals and temp hp.
  • Gift of Faith procs when you go below 45%. Soulforge procs when you die. Soulforge also only heals you for a small amount.It is most definitely not pointless to run both since they proc on different things. As a cleric, the last thing you want to do is to die since your death means the team will most likely wipe(unless…
  • High Prophet is the way to go. It's like a mini plague fire enchantment for free. As for stats aim for around 2000 - 2500 in crit, defense, recovery(really easy to get since it's on most armor pieces) at least 3000 power (more is good but it's pretty easy to get) at least 25,000 hp (start stacking this once you are at or…
  • I run that load out(with some different button set ups) for T2 dungeons with a couple exceptions. I run the class feature that increases AP gain instead of Divine Fortune and I use Brand of the Flame instead of Sacred Flame. The combo of passive divinity regen from the dots and active divinity gain from the astral seal…
  • One of the best things you can do in any game (and life for that matter) is be flexible and adaptable. If you can adapt to the specific situation you're currently in you'll be fine. Each encounter has its use and is ideal for certain situations. Knowing which encounters to use and when to use them to help your team is the…
  • The best healing set is probably Miracle Healer Set but that's T2. I'm not sure what the best T1 healing set would be. High Prophet, Divine Emissary, and Sacred Hand are the T1 sets. High Prophet has the best set bonus imho for Clerics.
  • I suffer from severe lag spikes at times and agent helps cover for me during those times. I've also been in pugs where people run away from the group so it helps there. After picking up Test of faith (another anti lag healing feat) I just kinda figured I may as well take the cap stone feat since it seemed like it could be…
  • Sunburst in the spellplague boss fight and that one boss fight with the brain and tentacles (I forget which dungeon it is) is awesome. On Power diminishing returns: I've read somewhere that power doesn't suffer from diminishing returns as harshly as the other stats and is fairly liniar in gains per stat. I'm not sure if…
  • I don't think I've ever gotten a complaint about how I play. If you're keeping people alive you're doing a good job/ If you make things easier with buffs and debuffs you're essentially mvp but there's no stats showing this so you get over shadowed. If someone runs off and dies and runs their mouth about not being healed,…
  • This is probably the best cleric guide out there right now.