Thanks for your quick answers rjc9000. If I understand correctly, it seems there's a sort of cooldown for flaming's stacks: if I hit a target 3 times it will get 3 stacks that will DOT once per second for the next 3 secs, but after those 3 seconds there will be a colldown for putting the next stack, meaning that there will…
Maybe I misread something, but it seems that the flaming enchantment would have the higher damage IF given time for the DOT to kick in: basically 3 seconds. Since there is no boss that lasts this few, and some tough mobs can last for a couple of seconds too, why it doesn't get much love? This is even more important for non…
Thanks for your feedbacks! In the end I've decided to use the wheel because it feels unconditionally stronger than the eye, though in certain situation it may be better (just speculating). I got to thank you for this one nice piece of advice: once you get used it's really helpfull and easy to get the fire emblem!
Do you guys think that the IV build would be viable for non game ending toons (I'm 2847 IL) or Swormaster is plainly better for mid characters? OT: Do you know when the loadouts will be avaible on ps4?
Thanks all for your responses. I run a GWF on PS4, whose IL is 2846: I have the relic weapons (but sadly they are still green because it's hard to queue nSva), Orcus set (not maxed though, I'm waiting for next double refining event), Brutality +4 and Rising Precision +4 and some very good equipment though not the endgame…