Great advice here. Too many people trying to scam. There is a fan site for trading as well, full rep system in place, mods who are happy to mediate trades if you wanted. check us out at
I get annoyed with the lack of buyouts as well. I am using the fansite A growing community of traders we are getting bigger daily
now over 100 members thanks and welcome to our newest members at the fansite shoutbox now live, trade live, chat live. Neverwinters trading fansite welcome to all
Still giveaways running, hopefully auction house be running better after patch, but here is an alternative for item/item trades
I believe this is something they are working on in the upcoming patch, however there is a fan site dedicated to trading, along with youtube and twitch and just general chat about the game
only thing i don't put buyouts on are this like blue mark of potency as the way the AH is atm you can't even get to the buyout ones. So i put on a 1 day auction.
thank you ghost, we are trying to promote as best we can to get more people there, growing everyday, and nice to hear people having success using the site.
I am an avid trader in most MMO's i play, so i agree that the auction house is difficult to navigate at time. I have however with some other players, put together a fan site trading forum for people to use, we are slowly growing more and more members each day and looking for more. this may…
First giveway winner announced will be running more, get signed up, posting and trading for your chance to win
will be posting some decent lists tonight, come check it out sign up and get trading, Neverwinters fan site trading forum is here for you
I am assuming that we probably wont be able to create on xbox, but if they at least port creations over from the PC, i would be more than happy with that
For me ESO, is not one i'm looking for, with all the people able to transfer from the PC version, new players are going to be so far behind it will discourage them from playing. That and the economy will probably be ruined from day 1 with all the rich PC players coming to take advantage of new players. IMO that's why i…