Okay so I thought I'd chip in here especially since I've been playing a MoF Oppressor CW since mod 2 so I can feel the changes most poignantly. I will only comment on points I feel relevant. For Epic PvE (mod 2/3) I almost always run Fanning the Flame on Tab, with Icy Terrain, Shard and Steal Time, so these will have…
Well I don't quite understand azlanfox's incoherent ramble, but I'm all for the suggestion of the OP. Lots of folk use 99 stacks to refine artifacts and rank 8-9-10s & weapon/armour enchants. I don't happen to be one of them (death to the bots!) but I still gather up significant numbers of rank 3-4 enchants when I do my…
I'd like to add my two cents if I may. I've been playing Sent GWF since beta and switched to IV when that path became available. I'm running a defense/deflect/regen build for pvp and pve focusing on threat generation. Intimidation is great for this when used with either C&GI or Daring Shout, although keep in mind that the…
I want to contribute to this just to say that this happens to me after EVERY new patch. I can't bypass the loading screen (the one that comes after the gray Cryptic screen) because it just plain never loads. Even the usually reliable method of switching to windowed/safe mode isn't working this time. This game has serious…
Tried this. Still won't progress past loading screen. This happens to me after EVERY weekly patch and I then have to scrounge around to find some way to load the game just ONCE because after that it seems to work alright. *grumble* [EDIT]: And again, Safe Mode + Windowed Mode works the treat. ^.^
I have to say that I used Daring Shout a whole lot with my Swordmaster Sentinel build as it was the only reliable way to get decent Mark on targets for the +15% damage sentinel feat. Now that Iron Vanguard gets an at-will mark, I use it a bit less for that purpose but recently I've tried running dungeons with Daring Shout…
I just bought a new Haswell laptop and finished the Win 8.1 update 2 days ago. Installed Neverwinter via Arc, same issue as OP. I did get the game to boot up once or twice using both windowed mode and safe mode (then change to fullscreen when in game). The persistent non-loading made me annoyed though, so I uninstalled and…
GWF and DC were given compulsory feat reallocation because some of their feat trees have changed. This applies to FEATS only. You need to use your Respec token in order to change your PARAGON to Iron Vanguard for your GWF.
Also (this bug goes back to pre-patch too) you cannot put items which are located in the Adventurer's Knapsack or Adventurer's Pack up for Auction! Not that it bothers me too much now because I can log-in and move stuff around, but when I was in Korea and unable to play for 3 months, except via Gateway, I really wanted to…
1. Enhance the 'ignore' function with an additional 'mark as invisible' function so that roleplayers have to choice to completely eliminate griefers/trolls from their play experience. 2. Fix character 'bumping', so that griefers/trolls cannot make an emoted character change position (eg. from sitting to standing) 3. Add…
I'm also gunna go with Manshoon cuz at the approximate game year (100 years after Spellplague) Fzoul Chembryl seems to have died in defense of Zhentil Keep and subsequently been raised as an Exarch of Bane.
When I first started gaming I used the name Cold Fusion. Since that concept is so popular, almost every site has it taken. My backup handle is Tsidkenu, which was oddly also taken! So I have reverted to using the name of my favourite RP character: Kemi Kemorya (in her Neverwinter incarnation, a halfling GWF). That name…
The (currently) limited classes makes it hard for me to play my favourite two characters: a halfling fighter/ divine champion, and a dwarven inventor, a rogue focused on Str, battleaxe and traps.