I'm interested. Just started in some PvP. I do have the stronhold keys. I have the time. And really would like to learn more. Thanks for the info. Gamer Tag: Lord Rathar Character: Khellendros - CW
Yeah, it does take getting use to, but that bubble really helped in epic level dungeons. I'm just wondering who complained about it? People need to realize, it worked well in PVE. maybe too well, but I wouldn't have dropped it down to only 6 seconds with 4 points. I would have dropped it to 10 seconds. If it was a PvPer…
What I want to know, is have they fixed the Power Point problem with the new update of the Maze Engine? Before Mod 6, people were getting them like crazy. Since then, might be lucky to get 1 every 10 levels of exp... Crazy.. never catch up to the pre Mod 6 people. And what is it with them giving only Level 5 enchantments…
Old man here, wife, no kids, but lots of animals. Always looking for people to play with. I am part of a mature guild, I currently have a level 70 Paladin, and working on a CW. I don't get on much during the week except for about an hour or so, mostly on the weekends. My guild does have people that pretty much play 24 hrs…
Good day, you can hit me up. 44 years old, most of our guild are older gamers with Mic's. Guild: Knights of the Eternal Flame We have a nice spread of characters with levels all over the place. If you are just looking for someone to do a dungeon with, we an give you a hand. XBOX gamer tag: Lord Rathar You can add me to…
Well, maybe they can create an event, even if it is a 'guild' event. Have everyone suited up in the same 'clown suit' and only have the weapon be different. It would make for an interesting match then. Or just have an event where everything was stripped from you, and you had the very 'basic' setup for the event. Then it…
So now that they have done the new Update against the CW. Has anyone reset their points and created a better PVP CW? If so, what feats have you changed and did you change anything, and or what spells have you now maxxed out?