I was goofing around with this last night, if you want one way teleporter you'll have to have a second map and then use those as the exit points and stack them on top of eachother I think... otherwise you'll have to use them both on a single map. like lets say your tavern is at the bottom and your actual dungeon is up…
I was having this issue yesterday as well... it seemed like everytime I started at my spawn point I'd fall through the earth and continually fall.... or when I actually was anywhere near land I fell through the ground and lost about half my hitpoints before coming back to solid ground? I tried everything from placing items…
Sad part is my quest line I"m thinking about would rely on ALOT of this. Speaking of which are there any writers guilds out there ? I went to a changing environment after I realized that I couldn't offer multiple quest paths
Does this mean that you cannot make multiple of the same maps that people can go between like if you wanted to make a changing world based on quest progress? Like lets say you attack a bunch of orc camps on the coast, then go into the tavern to turn in when you come out of the tavern can they be at "an updated version of…